Grouped Radio Buttons in a display group should update all buttons when setValue is used on one

As per documentation :

the grouped radio buttons update all group buttons when one is clicked/tapped. However, if setValue is used on one of the buttons to programmatically update its value the other buttons in the group are not updated. This could easily be fixed in widget code. Thanks for your help.

Case 29138 reported. The following code can be used to observe the issue : 

local widget = require( "widget" ) -- Handle press events for the buttons local function onSwitchPress( event ) local switch = print( "Switch with ID '""' is on: "..tostring(switch.isOn) ) end -- Create a group for the radio button set local radioGroup = display.newGroup() -- Create two associated radio buttons (inserted into the same display group) local radioButton1 = widget.newSwitch { left = 150, top = 200, style = "radio", id = "RadioButton1", initialSwitchState = true, onPress = onSwitchPress } radioGroup:insert( radioButton1 ) -- Create the widget local radioButton2 = widget.newSwitch { left = 250, top = 200, style = "radio", id = "RadioButton2", onPress = onSwitchPress } radioGroup:insert( radioButton2 ) --It would be expected that the following sets other buttons false radioButton2:setState({isOn = true})