Halloween'Recreation / new app for Kids released on Android, more to come

Hi everyone,

I’m Xavier Bottet, a french Art Director living in Quebec. I’m trying to start my business in apps, i have my name in multiple games, and now i’m starting on my own to produce my own apps. Here is the first one released on Android. The Ipad release has been approved and hope to post links really soon.

Here is the trailer on my youtube page:

Here is the page of the app, really minimal at this stage:

Links to Google play:


I have submit my app in the showcase section, let’s cross fingers it could be selected as a featuring by Corona.

Any comments are welcome.
[import]uid: 152693 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 332225[/import]

The art work looks great. I really like your home screen art and animation.

Just installed in on my Nexus 7 and your ads are getting cut off. See link below for pic. I think the buttons on the bottom are getting cut off a little as well. The very bottom of the buttons are cut off.

https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/103151675860442340466/albums/posts/5802520362315917634 [import]uid: 167495 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128291[/import]

Hi Fuzzy Bomb,

Really Thank you for the message. I will look in and fix it as fast as possible. Can i ask you to send me a pic for the bottom ones.

I f i can help you in a way, drop me a message. I’ll see what i can do for you.

Xavier [import]uid: 152693 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128295[/import]

Hi Fuzzybomb,

Find a way to check the issue. It’s ok and thancks for your feedback,

Xavier [import]uid: 152693 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128296[/import]

Here is the photos.

https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/103151675860442340466/albums/5802529284167713153?authkey=CKzX7Pq2qM25jgE [import]uid: 167495 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128298[/import]

Really thank you. The test i made were still off from your pictures. It seems the behaviour on Nexus 7 is slightly different when using a dynamic resizing approach with letterbox enabled. It seems not well aligned and too much zoom in.

Xavier [import]uid: 152693 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128305[/import]

No problem at all. Happy to help. When you have an update would be happy to test it out on the nexus 7.

Feel free to follow us on twitter so we can stay in touch. @fuzzy_bomb [import]uid: 167495 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128321[/import]

The art work looks great. I really like your home screen art and animation.

Just installed in on my Nexus 7 and your ads are getting cut off. See link below for pic. I think the buttons on the bottom are getting cut off a little as well. The very bottom of the buttons are cut off.

https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/103151675860442340466/albums/posts/5802520362315917634 [import]uid: 167495 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128291[/import]

Hi Fuzzy Bomb,

Really Thank you for the message. I will look in and fix it as fast as possible. Can i ask you to send me a pic for the bottom ones.

I f i can help you in a way, drop me a message. I’ll see what i can do for you.

Xavier [import]uid: 152693 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128295[/import]

Hi Fuzzybomb,

Find a way to check the issue. It’s ok and thancks for your feedback,

Xavier [import]uid: 152693 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128296[/import]

Here is the photos.

https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/103151675860442340466/albums/5802529284167713153?authkey=CKzX7Pq2qM25jgE [import]uid: 167495 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128298[/import]

Version is updated for all, and for everyone’s pleasure.

Xavier [import]uid: 152693 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128431[/import]

Really thank you. The test i made were still off from your pictures. It seems the behaviour on Nexus 7 is slightly different when using a dynamic resizing approach with letterbox enabled. It seems not well aligned and too much zoom in.

Xavier [import]uid: 152693 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128305[/import]

No problem at all. Happy to help. When you have an update would be happy to test it out on the nexus 7.

Feel free to follow us on twitter so we can stay in touch. @fuzzy_bomb [import]uid: 167495 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128321[/import]

Did you submit an updated version with Ads? I see that you not ad supported version was updated today but I am not seeing the version with Ads updated. [import]uid: 167495 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128458[/import]

shame on me… i really do dig in the xtreme prog behaviour where sometimes you should double check by two people one thing!.. rrrhhhrhr… lol. done. I do too much things today i did not activated it. done.

Xavier [import]uid: 152693 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128462[/import]

Still getting this on device and play store.

October 19, 2012


https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ca.Setfan.Games.HalloweenRecreationAds&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNhLlNldGZhbi5HYW1lcy5IYWxsb3dlZW5SZWNyZWF0aW9uQWRzIl0. [import]uid: 167495 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128475[/import]

Yes strange, but it’s the new updated release. I’ve just installed it on my Android tablet and it’s the last updated. You can check it on your devices. Few cosmetics elements to correct UI with ADs.

Xavier [import]uid: 152693 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128476[/import]

Got the new update. When I went back to the play store it was there. I bet it was servers syncing issue.

But, with the new update there is a new issue I think. I am getting what appears to be some off screen assets showing up. You will see in the pictures a white boarder around the app. I can see the bats flying off screen and other animation elements.

https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/103151675860442340466/albums/5802529284167713153?authkey=CKzX7Pq2qM25jgE [import]uid: 167495 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128484[/import]

Hi Fuzzy Bomb,

I will start to get nervous with the Nexus 7 :slight_smile: It will be fixed in really short delay. You can if you want send me email directly at this adress info @ halloweenrecreation dot com.
A big thank you to your post, it’s really long and complex with Android with 12000 screen ratios.

If i can help you one or two hours of time, drop me an email.

Xavier [import]uid: 152693 topic_id: 32225 reply_id: 128485[/import]