Has anyone written LFS substitute code for WP?

Hi all,

One of my apps that I’m porting to windows phone uses the lfs module which is not supported on windows phone. Has anybody written code I could reuse that deals with this? I could write my own, but if somebody has already done it and is willing to share I’d rather just reuse and not spend the time.


Well I implemented the two methods I needed for the file system and put it in a bridge class. Posting here in case anyone wants it:

using CoronaLabs.Corona.WinRT; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Diagnostics; using Windows.Storage; using System.IO.IsolatedStorage; using System.IO; namespace Swl.CoronaBridges { public class FileSystemCoronaBridge { private const string \_coronaBaseDir = "Corona"; private const string \_coronaDocumentsDirectory = \_coronaBaseDir + "/Documents"; private const string \_coronaCachesDirectory = \_coronaBaseDir + "/CachedFiles"; private const string \_coronaTemporaryDirectory = \_coronaBaseDir + "/TemporaryFiles"; private Dictionary\<string, string\> \_baseDirIdToPathDictionary; private CoronaRuntimeEventArgs \_coronaRuntimeEventArgs; public FileSystemCoronaBridge() { \_baseDirIdToPathDictionary = new Dictionary\<string, string\>(); \_baseDirIdToPathDictionary.Add("DocumentsDirectory", \_coronaDocumentsDirectory); \_baseDirIdToPathDictionary.Add("CachesDirectory", \_coronaCachesDirectory); \_baseDirIdToPathDictionary.Add("TemporaryDirectory", \_coronaTemporaryDirectory); } public void Register(CoronaRuntimeEventArgs e) { \_coronaRuntimeEventArgs = e; // Set up C# method(s) to be invoked from Corona runtime event // when the specified event has been dispatched from LUA \_coronaRuntimeEventArgs.CoronaRuntimeEnvironment.AddEventListener("C2N\_CreateDirectory", C2N\_CreateDirectory\_Listener); \_coronaRuntimeEventArgs.CoronaRuntimeEnvironment.AddEventListener("C2N\_DeleteDirectory", C2N\_DeleteDirectory\_Listener); // Set up lua methods to be invoked by Corona when the specified event has been dispatched to LUA // Create a custom Corona event named "requestingSum" with the following properties. // This will be converted into a Lua "event" table once dispatched by Corona. } public ICoronaBoxedData C2N\_CreateDirectory\_Listener(CoronaRuntimeEnvironment sender, CoronaLuaEventArgs e) { string baseDirId = CoronaBridgeHelpers.extractString(e.Properties.Get("baseDirId")); string parentPath = CoronaBridgeHelpers.extractString(e.Properties.Get("parentPath")); string newDirectory = CoronaBridgeHelpers.extractString(e.Properties.Get("newDirectory")); string fullPath = \_baseDirIdToPathDictionary[baseDirId]; if (parentPath != string.Empty) { fullPath += "/" + parentPath; } fullPath += "/" + newDirectory; fullPath = fullPath.Replace("/", "\\"); Debug.WriteLine("INFO: Calling CreateDirectory(), newDirectory=" + newDirectory); var result = CreateDirectory(fullPath); Debug.WriteLine("INFO: CreateDirectory() result=" + result); if (result == true) { return CoronaBoxedBoolean.True; } else { return CoronaBoxedBoolean.False; } } private bool CreateDirectory(string newDirectory) { using (IsolatedStorageFile isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()) { try { isoStore.CreateDirectory(newDirectory); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: Exception on CreateDirectory(): " + e.ToString()); return false; } } return true; } public ICoronaBoxedData C2N\_DeleteDirectory\_Listener(CoronaRuntimeEnvironment sender, CoronaLuaEventArgs e) { string baseDirId = CoronaBridgeHelpers.extractString(e.Properties.Get("baseDirId")); string directory = CoronaBridgeHelpers.extractString(e.Properties.Get("directory")); bool deleteContentsOnly = CoronaBridgeHelpers.extractBool(e.Properties.Get("deleteContentsOnly")); string fullPath = \_baseDirIdToPathDictionary[baseDirId]; if (directory != string.Empty) { fullPath += "/" + directory; } fullPath = fullPath.Replace("/", "\\"); Debug.WriteLine("INFO: Calling DeleteDirectory(), directoryPath=" + directory); var result = DeleteDirectory(fullPath, deleteContentsOnly); Debug.WriteLine("INFO: DeleteDirectory() result=" + result); if (result == true) { return CoronaBoxedBoolean.True; } else { return CoronaBoxedBoolean.False; } } private bool DeleteDirectory(string directory, bool deleteContentsOnly) { using (IsolatedStorageFile isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()) { try { DeleteDirectoryRecursively(isoStore, directory); if (deleteContentsOnly == true) { CreateDirectory(directory); } } catch(Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: Exception in DeleteDirectory(): " + e.ToString()); return false; } } return true; } private void DeleteDirectoryRecursively(IsolatedStorageFile storageFile, String dirName) { String pattern = dirName + @"\*"; String[] files = storageFile.GetFileNames(pattern); foreach (var fName in files) { storageFile.DeleteFile(Path.Combine(dirName, fName)); } String[] dirs = storageFile.GetDirectoryNames(pattern); foreach (var dName in dirs) { DeleteDirectoryRecursively(storageFile, Path.Combine(dirName, dName)); } storageFile.DeleteDirectory(dirName); } } }

Cool, thanks


Well I implemented the two methods I needed for the file system and put it in a bridge class. Posting here in case anyone wants it:

using CoronaLabs.Corona.WinRT; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Diagnostics; using Windows.Storage; using System.IO.IsolatedStorage; using System.IO; namespace Swl.CoronaBridges { public class FileSystemCoronaBridge { private const string \_coronaBaseDir = "Corona"; private const string \_coronaDocumentsDirectory = \_coronaBaseDir + "/Documents"; private const string \_coronaCachesDirectory = \_coronaBaseDir + "/CachedFiles"; private const string \_coronaTemporaryDirectory = \_coronaBaseDir + "/TemporaryFiles"; private Dictionary\<string, string\> \_baseDirIdToPathDictionary; private CoronaRuntimeEventArgs \_coronaRuntimeEventArgs; public FileSystemCoronaBridge() { \_baseDirIdToPathDictionary = new Dictionary\<string, string\>(); \_baseDirIdToPathDictionary.Add("DocumentsDirectory", \_coronaDocumentsDirectory); \_baseDirIdToPathDictionary.Add("CachesDirectory", \_coronaCachesDirectory); \_baseDirIdToPathDictionary.Add("TemporaryDirectory", \_coronaTemporaryDirectory); } public void Register(CoronaRuntimeEventArgs e) { \_coronaRuntimeEventArgs = e; // Set up C# method(s) to be invoked from Corona runtime event // when the specified event has been dispatched from LUA \_coronaRuntimeEventArgs.CoronaRuntimeEnvironment.AddEventListener("C2N\_CreateDirectory", C2N\_CreateDirectory\_Listener); \_coronaRuntimeEventArgs.CoronaRuntimeEnvironment.AddEventListener("C2N\_DeleteDirectory", C2N\_DeleteDirectory\_Listener); // Set up lua methods to be invoked by Corona when the specified event has been dispatched to LUA // Create a custom Corona event named "requestingSum" with the following properties. // This will be converted into a Lua "event" table once dispatched by Corona. } public ICoronaBoxedData C2N\_CreateDirectory\_Listener(CoronaRuntimeEnvironment sender, CoronaLuaEventArgs e) { string baseDirId = CoronaBridgeHelpers.extractString(e.Properties.Get("baseDirId")); string parentPath = CoronaBridgeHelpers.extractString(e.Properties.Get("parentPath")); string newDirectory = CoronaBridgeHelpers.extractString(e.Properties.Get("newDirectory")); string fullPath = \_baseDirIdToPathDictionary[baseDirId]; if (parentPath != string.Empty) { fullPath += "/" + parentPath; } fullPath += "/" + newDirectory; fullPath = fullPath.Replace("/", "\\"); Debug.WriteLine("INFO: Calling CreateDirectory(), newDirectory=" + newDirectory); var result = CreateDirectory(fullPath); Debug.WriteLine("INFO: CreateDirectory() result=" + result); if (result == true) { return CoronaBoxedBoolean.True; } else { return CoronaBoxedBoolean.False; } } private bool CreateDirectory(string newDirectory) { using (IsolatedStorageFile isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()) { try { isoStore.CreateDirectory(newDirectory); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: Exception on CreateDirectory(): " + e.ToString()); return false; } } return true; } public ICoronaBoxedData C2N\_DeleteDirectory\_Listener(CoronaRuntimeEnvironment sender, CoronaLuaEventArgs e) { string baseDirId = CoronaBridgeHelpers.extractString(e.Properties.Get("baseDirId")); string directory = CoronaBridgeHelpers.extractString(e.Properties.Get("directory")); bool deleteContentsOnly = CoronaBridgeHelpers.extractBool(e.Properties.Get("deleteContentsOnly")); string fullPath = \_baseDirIdToPathDictionary[baseDirId]; if (directory != string.Empty) { fullPath += "/" + directory; } fullPath = fullPath.Replace("/", "\\"); Debug.WriteLine("INFO: Calling DeleteDirectory(), directoryPath=" + directory); var result = DeleteDirectory(fullPath, deleteContentsOnly); Debug.WriteLine("INFO: DeleteDirectory() result=" + result); if (result == true) { return CoronaBoxedBoolean.True; } else { return CoronaBoxedBoolean.False; } } private bool DeleteDirectory(string directory, bool deleteContentsOnly) { using (IsolatedStorageFile isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()) { try { DeleteDirectoryRecursively(isoStore, directory); if (deleteContentsOnly == true) { CreateDirectory(directory); } } catch(Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: Exception in DeleteDirectory(): " + e.ToString()); return false; } } return true; } private void DeleteDirectoryRecursively(IsolatedStorageFile storageFile, String dirName) { String pattern = dirName + @"\*"; String[] files = storageFile.GetFileNames(pattern); foreach (var fName in files) { storageFile.DeleteFile(Path.Combine(dirName, fName)); } String[] dirs = storageFile.GetDirectoryNames(pattern); foreach (var dName in dirs) { DeleteDirectoryRecursively(storageFile, Path.Combine(dirName, dName)); } storageFile.DeleteDirectory(dirName); } } }

Cool, thanks
