Having a build.settings error with trying to use Facebook SSO

settings = { orientation = { default = "portrait", --landscapeRight supported = { "portrait", } }, plugins = { ["CoronaProvider.ads.admob"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" } }, android = { usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", "android.permission.ACCESS\_NETWORK\_STATE", "android.permission.READ\_PHONE\_STATE" } } iphone = { plist = { UIStatusBarHidden = true, UIAppFonts = { "foo.ttf" }, CFBundleIconFiles = { "Icon.png", "Icon@2x.png", "Icon-40.png", "Icon-40@2x.png", "Icon-60.png", "Icon-60@2x.png", "Icon-72.png", "Icon-72@2x.png", "Icon-76.png", "Icon-76@2x.png", "Icon-Small-50.png", "Icon-Small-50@2x.png", "Icon-Small.png", "Icon-Small@2x.png", "Icon-Small-40.png", "Icon-Small-40@2x.png" } UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false, FacebookAppID = "xxxxxxxxxxxx", CFBundleURLTypes = { { CFBundleURLSchemes = { "fbxxxxxxxxxx", } } } } } }

I appear to be having some trouble getting my app to build, I have the following build.settings in place where fbxxxx is my #.

I am trying to get my app to work with facebook SSO that’s why I have the CFBundleURLTypes & CFBundleURLSchemes

I don’t know why I keep getting an error, the error points me to the console and I get the following message in the attached PNG file.

I am currently trying to build for iOS, running v2014.2189, and I’m a basic corona sdk member. I’m a newbie but hoping someone can point me to my mistake that I can’t see for myself. Thank you very much for the help guys.

Hi @PickleOnionGames,

This is a basic syntax error. Looks like you forgot the comma following the bracket on line 58.

Also, you haven’t included the Facebook plugin, which you must do for iOS on the build you’re using. It’s described in the guides below.

I strongly encourage you to read both Facebook guides thoroughly, because implementing Facebook is an exceedingly detailed process which must be followed exactly to the letter, or you’ll encounter issues.




Thank you for the reply, I will read through all of this as I feel I missed a lot of steps.

Hi @PickleOnionGames,

This is a basic syntax error. Looks like you forgot the comma following the bracket on line 58.

Also, you haven’t included the Facebook plugin, which you must do for iOS on the build you’re using. It’s described in the guides below.

I strongly encourage you to read both Facebook guides thoroughly, because implementing Facebook is an exceedingly detailed process which must be followed exactly to the letter, or you’ll encounter issues.




Thank you for the reply, I will read through all of this as I feel I missed a lot of steps.