I have been following the tutorials on corona website and everything has been going well so far.
But in the tutuorial “Displaying and saving score” I seem to have the following runtime error.
Displaying and saving score tutorial: [url=https://docs.coronalabs.com/tutorial/games/keepScores/index.html[/url]
attempt to call field setPreferences (a nil value)
This is the code of score.lua
local M = {}
M.score = 0
function M.init( options )
local customOptions = options or {} – nice use of “or” operator
local opt = {}
opt.fontSize = customOptions.fontSize or 24
opt.font = customOptions.font or native.systemFont
opt.x = customOptions.x or display.contentCenterX
opt.y = customOptions.y or opt.fontSize*0.5 – such that the score is positioned at the top, half of its font size.
opt.maxDigits = customOptions.maxDigits or 6
opt.leadingZeros = customOptions.leadingZeros or false
local prefix = “”
if ( opt.leadingZeros ) then
prefix = “0”
M.format = “%” … prefix … opt.maxDigits … “d” – so that its accesible in other modules.
– Create the score display object
M.scoreText = display.newText( string.format( M.format, 0 ), opt.x, opt.y, opt.font, opt.fontSize )
return M.scoreText
function M.set( value )
M.score = tonumber(value)
M.scoreText.text = string.format( M.format, M.score )
function M.get()
return M.score
function M.add( amount )
M.score = M.score + tonumber(amount)
M.scoreText.text = string.format( M.format, M.score )
– system.setPreferences
function M.save()
local saved = system.setPreferences( “app”, { currentScore=M.score } )
if ( saved == false) then
print ( “ERROR: could not save score” )
function M.load()
local score = system.getPreference( “app”, “currentScore”, “number” )
if ( score ) then
return tonumber(score)
print( “ERROR: could not load score (score may not exist in storage)” )
return M
This is the code of main.lua
local score = require( “score” )
local scoreText = score.init(
fontSize = 20,
font = “CoolCustomFont.ttf”,
x = display.contentCenterX,
y = 30,
maxDigits = 7,
leadingZeros = true
score.set( 1000 ) – Sets the score to value
I am aware there are other ways of keeping score, but i want to know what the problem is in my code. I googled everywhere but couldn’t come up with an solution. Maybe I have made a mistake somewhere that I’m not able to identify.
Even tried a build on my smart Phone, but ended up getting the same error.
Any help appreciated.