Height and Width attributes and send Events from CoronaCard Cordova/Phonegap


I have an existing Corona SDK app and it works great. I am trying to port it to CoronaCards for Phonegap. I am facing two issues

  1. The height and width of the CoronaView is not being properly set (most likely 'coz I am doing something wrong). I get the height and width using $window.screen.innerHeight/Width (am using ionic) and pass it to CoronoView, but it appears to be too small. I kinda resolved it by using a scaling factor to get the desired height and width (will not work on various devices), but since this is so basic, I guess I must be doing something wrong. Any pointers would be appreciated.

  2. How do I send events from my Lua to Javascript ? I(btw,  see a sendEvent in CoronaCards phonegap plugin send from Javascript to Lua which is great). My use case is that when a user finishes a level, I want to send an event to my ionic app to do something. Is it possible ?

Thanks in advance for your help !


I have since verified that the sendEvent from my JS to Lua works. Any pointers on how I can send events from Lua to JS would be greatly appreciated.



Sorry to be a pest about this. I would greatly appreciate some help here. I am evaluating the CoronaCards trial license to see if I can make things work and upgrade to a full license. 

Looks like we don’t have a setCoronaEventListener exposed in the PhoneGap api. I tried the native Android Corona Cards and still cant receive messages from Lua to Android. Here is the test code




  print "Corona - in create scene … "

  local eventToJS = { name=“corona2js”, message=“Hello from CoronaCards!” }

  local result = Runtime:dispatchEvent( eventToJS )

  print "Corona - after event dispatch . "




CoronaView cv = (CoronaView) findViewById(R.id.cv);

cv.setCoronaEventListener(new CoronaEventListener() {



public Object onReceivedCoronaEvent(CoronaView arg0,

Hashtable<Object, Object> arg1) {

Log.d(“Corona”, arg1.get(“message”).toString());

return “Nice to meet you CoronaCards!”;





Any pointers will be appreciated. If communication is under dev, please let me know so that I don’t spend any more time on this. Also, if the PhoneGap CordonaCards plugin is no longer supported, please let me know as well. 


Thanks much for your help 

Update - Just in case anybody else is also searching for this - the plugin API does not expose setEventListener (atleast in the version publicly available) - so it is unlikely that events from Lua to JavaScript are supported in the PhoneGap plugin. Events from Lua to Java in native android work fantastic though. 


I have since verified that the sendEvent from my JS to Lua works. Any pointers on how I can send events from Lua to JS would be greatly appreciated.



Sorry to be a pest about this. I would greatly appreciate some help here. I am evaluating the CoronaCards trial license to see if I can make things work and upgrade to a full license. 

Looks like we don’t have a setCoronaEventListener exposed in the PhoneGap api. I tried the native Android Corona Cards and still cant receive messages from Lua to Android. Here is the test code




  print "Corona - in create scene … "

  local eventToJS = { name=“corona2js”, message=“Hello from CoronaCards!” }

  local result = Runtime:dispatchEvent( eventToJS )

  print "Corona - after event dispatch . "




CoronaView cv = (CoronaView) findViewById(R.id.cv);

cv.setCoronaEventListener(new CoronaEventListener() {



public Object onReceivedCoronaEvent(CoronaView arg0,

Hashtable<Object, Object> arg1) {

Log.d(“Corona”, arg1.get(“message”).toString());

return “Nice to meet you CoronaCards!”;





Any pointers will be appreciated. If communication is under dev, please let me know so that I don’t spend any more time on this. Also, if the PhoneGap CordonaCards plugin is no longer supported, please let me know as well. 


Thanks much for your help 

Update - Just in case anybody else is also searching for this - the plugin API does not expose setEventListener (atleast in the version publicly available) - so it is unlikely that events from Lua to JavaScript are supported in the PhoneGap plugin. Events from Lua to Java in native android work fantastic though.