Can i develop a 2d game like doodle jump in corona ?
you can make whatever you want with corona.
Yes. Corona would be a great tool to make that kind of game! In fact, you might want to do a quick Google:
There are a couple of tutorials specifically for building a doodle jump like game.
Here’s some code to get you started. Set your frames per second to 60 in the config.lua and simulate on iPhone-template:
display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) -- hide the status bar local mainGroup = display.newGroup() local platformList = {} local coinList = {} local coinCounter = 1 local trampolineList = {} local trampolineCounter = 1 local gravity = .3 local playerVerticalSpeed = 0 local lastPlatformPosition = 960 local coinScore = 0 mainGroup.y = 0 for i = 1, 8 do -- platform creation local newPlatformPosition = lastPlatformPosition - math.random(3)\*100 platformList[i] = display.newRect(mainGroup, math.random(440)+100, newPlatformPosition, 200, 50) lastPlatformPosition = newPlatformPosition end -- for loop platform creation for i = 1,8 do -- coin creation coinList[i] = display.newCircle(mainGroup, -320,0, 20) coinList[i]:setFillColor(1,.75,0) end -- for loop coin creation for i = 1,8 do -- trampoline creation trampolineList[i] = display.newRect(mainGroup, -200,0,100,40) trampolineList[i]:setFillColor(0,.5,1) end local playerSprite = display.newRect(mainGroup,320,480,100,100) -- create scoreText local scoreText = display.newText("0",320,50, native.systemFont, 32) local playerXdirection = 0 local frameLoop = function(event) -- calculate the horizontal motion if playerXdirection == 1 then playerSprite.x = playerSprite.x - 5 elseif playerXdirection == 2 then playerSprite.x = playerSprite.x + 5 end -- add gravity to hero playerVerticalSpeed = playerVerticalSpeed + gravity playerSprite.nextYposition = playerSprite.y + playerVerticalSpeed -- do collision detection of next Y position with all platforms if playerVerticalSpeed \> 4 then for i = 1,8 do -- go over all 6 platforms if (math.abs((playerSprite.nextYposition+50) - (platformList[i].y))\<25) and (math.abs(playerSprite.x - platformList[i].x)\<150) then playerVerticalSpeed = -15 end end -- for loop over all 6 platforms end -- if moving down! -- set the player y position to the hypotethical y position playerSprite.y = playerSprite.nextYposition -- do collision detection with coins for i = 1, #coinList do local xDistanceToPlayer = coinList[i].x - playerSprite.x local yDistanceToPlayer = coinList[i].y - playerSprite.y if math.sqrt(xDistanceToPlayer\*xDistanceToPlayer + yDistanceToPlayer\*yDistanceToPlayer) \< 40 then coinList[i].x = -320 coinScore = coinScore + 100 end -- if coin distance check end -- update "camera position" local cameraYdelta = mainGroup.y + playerSprite.y - 480 if cameraYdelta \< 0 then mainGroup.y = mainGroup.y - cameraYdelta -- update score text scoreText.text = math.floor(mainGroup.y/10) + coinScore end -- recycle platforms to the top of the screen for i = 1, #platformList do local positionOnScreen = mainGroup.y + platformList[i].y if positionOnScreen \> 1000 then local newPlatformPosition = lastPlatformPosition - math.random(3)\*100 platformList[i].y = newPlatformPosition -- add coin or platform if random result is right local randomResult = math.random(4) if randomResult == 1 then coinList[coinCounter].x = platformList[i].x coinList[coinCounter].y = platformList[i].y - 50 coinCounter = coinCounter + 1 if coinCounter \> 8 then coinCounter = 1 end -- if coinCounter needs to be reset elseif randomResult == 2 then trampolineList[trampolineCounter].x = platformList[i].x trampolineList[trampolineCounter].y = platformList[i].y - 45 trampolineCounter = trampolineCounter + 1 if trampolineCounter \> 8 then trampolineCounter = 1 end -- if trampolineCounter needs to be reset end -- if math.random coin placement -- update lastPlatformPosition lastPlatformPosition = newPlatformPosition end end end -- frameLoop() local screenTouchedListener = function(event) if event.phase == "began" then playerXdirection = math.ceil((event.x)/320) elseif event.phase == "ended" then playerXdirection = 0 end end -- screenTouchedListener() Runtime:addEventListener("touch", screenTouchedListener) Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", frameLoop)
Note: if I would hardcode the variables and optimize a bit, that would be under a hundred lines of code. That’s the power and beauty of Corona. Prototyping is insanely fast.
Do you have a background in programming or is it all new to you? If yes, what languages and what’s your level?
you can make whatever you want with corona.
Yes. Corona would be a great tool to make that kind of game! In fact, you might want to do a quick Google:
There are a couple of tutorials specifically for building a doodle jump like game.
Here’s some code to get you started. Set your frames per second to 60 in the config.lua and simulate on iPhone-template:
display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) -- hide the status bar local mainGroup = display.newGroup() local platformList = {} local coinList = {} local coinCounter = 1 local trampolineList = {} local trampolineCounter = 1 local gravity = .3 local playerVerticalSpeed = 0 local lastPlatformPosition = 960 local coinScore = 0 mainGroup.y = 0 for i = 1, 8 do -- platform creation local newPlatformPosition = lastPlatformPosition - math.random(3)\*100 platformList[i] = display.newRect(mainGroup, math.random(440)+100, newPlatformPosition, 200, 50) lastPlatformPosition = newPlatformPosition end -- for loop platform creation for i = 1,8 do -- coin creation coinList[i] = display.newCircle(mainGroup, -320,0, 20) coinList[i]:setFillColor(1,.75,0) end -- for loop coin creation for i = 1,8 do -- trampoline creation trampolineList[i] = display.newRect(mainGroup, -200,0,100,40) trampolineList[i]:setFillColor(0,.5,1) end local playerSprite = display.newRect(mainGroup,320,480,100,100) -- create scoreText local scoreText = display.newText("0",320,50, native.systemFont, 32) local playerXdirection = 0 local frameLoop = function(event) -- calculate the horizontal motion if playerXdirection == 1 then playerSprite.x = playerSprite.x - 5 elseif playerXdirection == 2 then playerSprite.x = playerSprite.x + 5 end -- add gravity to hero playerVerticalSpeed = playerVerticalSpeed + gravity playerSprite.nextYposition = playerSprite.y + playerVerticalSpeed -- do collision detection of next Y position with all platforms if playerVerticalSpeed \> 4 then for i = 1,8 do -- go over all 6 platforms if (math.abs((playerSprite.nextYposition+50) - (platformList[i].y))\<25) and (math.abs(playerSprite.x - platformList[i].x)\<150) then playerVerticalSpeed = -15 end end -- for loop over all 6 platforms end -- if moving down! -- set the player y position to the hypotethical y position playerSprite.y = playerSprite.nextYposition -- do collision detection with coins for i = 1, #coinList do local xDistanceToPlayer = coinList[i].x - playerSprite.x local yDistanceToPlayer = coinList[i].y - playerSprite.y if math.sqrt(xDistanceToPlayer\*xDistanceToPlayer + yDistanceToPlayer\*yDistanceToPlayer) \< 40 then coinList[i].x = -320 coinScore = coinScore + 100 end -- if coin distance check end -- update "camera position" local cameraYdelta = mainGroup.y + playerSprite.y - 480 if cameraYdelta \< 0 then mainGroup.y = mainGroup.y - cameraYdelta -- update score text scoreText.text = math.floor(mainGroup.y/10) + coinScore end -- recycle platforms to the top of the screen for i = 1, #platformList do local positionOnScreen = mainGroup.y + platformList[i].y if positionOnScreen \> 1000 then local newPlatformPosition = lastPlatformPosition - math.random(3)\*100 platformList[i].y = newPlatformPosition -- add coin or platform if random result is right local randomResult = math.random(4) if randomResult == 1 then coinList[coinCounter].x = platformList[i].x coinList[coinCounter].y = platformList[i].y - 50 coinCounter = coinCounter + 1 if coinCounter \> 8 then coinCounter = 1 end -- if coinCounter needs to be reset elseif randomResult == 2 then trampolineList[trampolineCounter].x = platformList[i].x trampolineList[trampolineCounter].y = platformList[i].y - 45 trampolineCounter = trampolineCounter + 1 if trampolineCounter \> 8 then trampolineCounter = 1 end -- if trampolineCounter needs to be reset end -- if math.random coin placement -- update lastPlatformPosition lastPlatformPosition = newPlatformPosition end end end -- frameLoop() local screenTouchedListener = function(event) if event.phase == "began" then playerXdirection = math.ceil((event.x)/320) elseif event.phase == "ended" then playerXdirection = 0 end end -- screenTouchedListener() Runtime:addEventListener("touch", screenTouchedListener) Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", frameLoop)
Note: if I would hardcode the variables and optimize a bit, that would be under a hundred lines of code. That’s the power and beauty of Corona. Prototyping is insanely fast.
Do you have a background in programming or is it all new to you? If yes, what languages and what’s your level?