hello in which forum am i allowed to post my projects?

hi im old new to corona sdk. i have returned using it a month ago.

i created a framework for gui for corona and converted my game dev framework to corona.

im also a programming tutor (java and webdev with php mostly) and would like to teach app dev with corona.

where am i allowed to advertise my stuff (the free and not free), frameworks, show off projects (with code for the community and show off) and my paid services like teaching coding (in corona sdk lua).

i hope im not breaking any laws posting my questions here. i dont want to piss off mods on my second post.

Well, while I’m not lawyer or a legal scholar, I understand the fear of breaking some laws with posting questions to public forums. In this case, I am pretty confident that you are safe. :smiley:

The titles of each topic/thread are pretty self-explanatory and most of them include a brief description as well. For instance, for teaching Corona SDK, the closest match would probably be “Other Products and Services” under the Corona Classifieds. Just open https://forums.coronalabs.com/ and look at the descriptions.

i will be more than happy to learn more,and you sound as a serious dude.

count me in please and add me to your newsletter or however you will promote your courses/classes,etc

Moderator here! Basically, we want a spam-free forum. We don’t accept any promotion unless it directly benefits Corona developers. If you have a free template and your post is not advertising any paid services, like “Hey I created this cool new library that you can use for XYZ” and you’re not linking to any paid product or service then you can post it in the appropriate forum for XYZ. 

If you’re going to advertising any links that go to paid products AND they benefit Corona developers directly then @XeduR is correct, those type of posts should go here:


Our “Other Products and Services” sub-forum. 


thank you rob. i totally understand your point about spam. im just a modest person who wants to make a living of his craft (programming), i do not want to spam your forums or break your rules, that is why i asked first.

so for tutoring etc use the other-products-and-services/ forum (things that are related to corona only).

for open source examples (and or tutorials) i want to give the community, i will use other relevant forums, got it. do you have a tutorials forum? i dont think i have seen it on the list.

i want to put them(free stuff) in a place people will see and benefit from them.

also i would like to thank the other forum members for giving thier two cents.


follow my corona forum profile i will post (tomorrow) about free stuff and tutoring in the appropriate forums for each topic.

i will be more than happy to learn more,and you sound as a serious dude.

not relevant.

Hello! I am newbie here
I want to find some useful information for my project here. 

Welcome to the Corona community forums.

Where to post, depends on what you’re posting. If you just want to announce your app or game made with Corona, there is a forum for New Apps/Works in Progress:  https://forums.coronalabs.com/forum/524-new-apps-works-in-progress/

If your app or game is made with a different framework, the best forum is one on that framework’s forums.


Well, while I’m not lawyer or a legal scholar, I understand the fear of breaking some laws with posting questions to public forums. In this case, I am pretty confident that you are safe. :smiley:

The titles of each topic/thread are pretty self-explanatory and most of them include a brief description as well. For instance, for teaching Corona SDK, the closest match would probably be “Other Products and Services” under the Corona Classifieds. Just open https://forums.coronalabs.com/ and look at the descriptions.

i will be more than happy to learn more,and you sound as a serious dude.

count me in please and add me to your newsletter or however you will promote your courses/classes,etc

Moderator here! Basically, we want a spam-free forum. We don’t accept any promotion unless it directly benefits Corona developers. If you have a free template and your post is not advertising any paid services, like “Hey I created this cool new library that you can use for XYZ” and you’re not linking to any paid product or service then you can post it in the appropriate forum for XYZ. 

If you’re going to advertising any links that go to paid products AND they benefit Corona developers directly then @XeduR is correct, those type of posts should go here:


Our “Other Products and Services” sub-forum. 


thank you rob. i totally understand your point about spam. im just a modest person who wants to make a living of his craft (programming), i do not want to spam your forums or break your rules, that is why i asked first.

so for tutoring etc use the other-products-and-services/ forum (things that are related to corona only).

for open source examples (and or tutorials) i want to give the community, i will use other relevant forums, got it. do you have a tutorials forum? i dont think i have seen it on the list.

i want to put them(free stuff) in a place people will see and benefit from them.

also i would like to thank the other forum members for giving thier two cents.


follow my corona forum profile i will post (tomorrow) about free stuff and tutoring in the appropriate forums for each topic.

i will be more than happy to learn more,and you sound as a serious dude.

not relevant.

Hello! I am newbie here
I want to find some useful information for my project here. 

Welcome to the Corona community forums.

Where to post, depends on what you’re posting. If you just want to announce your app or game made with Corona, there is a forum for New Apps/Works in Progress:  https://forums.coronalabs.com/forum/524-new-apps-works-in-progress/

If your app or game is made with a different framework, the best forum is one on that framework’s forums.
