

I think it’s time to introduce myself to the participants in the forum. My name is Emmanuel and I am from 

Bulgaria. I’m from the age of dinosaurs, I say that because I’m 63 years old. My programming experience was 

40 years ago when we were programming on Fortran and using punch cards.

Since then, until this year, I have not been seriously involved in programming.

Several years ago I decided to make an application - an electronic menu for restaurants. I downloaded 

Android Studio, but after a few months of unsuccessful fighting I realized I was not the person who would 

use Android Studio, I just did not get it.

I started to look for other alternatives and came to Corona Labs.

I started trying and it turned out that Corona SDK is a wonderful platform, except for games it can also be 

used for business applications.

Since then I have been in love with the Corona SDK and, of course, with the LUA.

Please excuse me beforehand if I ask stupid questions in my posts, but my programming experience is really 


I also want to thank agramonte, vlads, nick sherman, who helped me with advice.

If I do not violate the rules of the forum I would like to give you a link: www.esgss.eu where you can see 

where the old man came with his application. If the link violates the rules, please the moderator delete it 

or let me know, I will remove it.

I wish many successes to all the friends from the forum.

My English is very bad, and if there are any inaccuracies in my text, be angry with the Google translator.

Welcome to our wonderful developer community!

Corona has a history or appealing to developers of all ages. Welcome back to the world of development.


Hello and welcome!

I imagine programming and software development in general have become a lot easier since you started. :smiley:

Absolutely true, writing a code with Sublime Text and using Corona Simulator is an incomparable pleasure. I 

make a mistake and I can immediately see where I am wrong and change the code.

Forty years ago, each row of the code was on a separate punch card, and if we had to sum up the elements of 

a matrix, we went to the computing centre with one shoe box full of punch cards and the next day we had the 


If everything with the code was wrong, we received a printout of the result.

If there was a mistake in the code, we had to scroll through the punch cards and replace the wrong one and 

go back to the computing centre for a next sample of the code.

I have saved a punch card as a memory and I will try to upload the picture here for those of you who have 

not seen such a thing. ( sorry but I not have permissions to upload pictures in future when I obtain the permissions

I upload the picture)

You can upload photos. Click on the “More Reply Options” and there is a way to add attachments there.

I’m from the age of punch cards, 300 baud modems, and green-white paper as well.

It’s a much different world today.


Thanks Rob. Here is the punch card.

@bulcolimpex - I remember those!  I also had a 300 baud modem in the 80’s @rob ; )

hi there… i’m Geeth. welcome to my “hello”. 

  i’m 13 years old. I’m still learning lua. now  i can some coding using lua and i will have ideal game maker in the future.i’m sure it. in  2 weeks i will publish my game. and download it. so now i end my reply. 

please LIKE me.

thank for watching…


Welcome Geeth!

tanks rob sir

@bulcolimpex Have you tried Corona live builds?  It makes the old manual builds feel like punch cards.  Seriously, I can’t believe how much time I used to spend waiting for builds. 

I got to play around with punch cards in early elementary school but by the time I was ready to try programming, the local college had “upgraded” it’s machines to run Basic and they had programs to let kids spend time in the lab.

wha can talk with me