Help! Facebook Basic Functionality - Logging in and Posting a Message

Hi Everyone,

                    I’ve been trying desperately to implement some basic Facebook functions into my app such as logging into Facebook and posting a message on the wall. After countless hours trying and reading loads of different tutorials / posts / documentation I’ve decided to see if someone could please just give me a little boost in the right direction by giving a tiny code example? I’m sure this will help loads of other people as well.

I’m using Windows and building for an Android device.

I’m just after an example of the following scenario in the most basic form:

User clicks a Facebook image button which posts a message to their wall.

If someone can just give me a small boost in the right direction with a code example that works I will be forever greatful! I’ve read like every tutorial in the first 2 - 3 pages of Google but progress is slow and everytime it takes about 10 minutes to build and test it on my device :(.

On a side note:

Is it necessary to require Json even if you are not pulling information from Facebook?

This is my recomendation:

Create a proper workflow so you can transfer and test faster, it will be a nightmare to intergrate FB without that. I’m on a Mac, so of limited help. But you should be able to transfer from PC to device with one click and launch app with another and see the log output in realtime.

After you got that setup, run the Facebook sample app and get it working.

After that start thinking about your project and how to intergrate it.

This is my recomendation:

Create a proper workflow so you can transfer and test faster, it will be a nightmare to intergrate FB without that. I’m on a Mac, so of limited help. But you should be able to transfer from PC to device with one click and launch app with another and see the log output in realtime.

After you got that setup, run the Facebook sample app and get it working.

After that start thinking about your project and how to intergrate it.