Hi there everybody,
i need somebody to help me finish my app.
I did mostly 85 - 90 % of the app but there is one “function” i would like to add and unfortunatly i am not good enough to do it myself. (Im using KWIK to create my app)
By the way, here is what i will need :
add an"input" area that let the user type something, it has to be draggabble and resizable. You can change the color and the font.
I am posting in “collaboration” forum now cause i do not have any budget to pay anybody at the moment but if i can sell enough on the different appstores i will happily consider paying the person the “just” price for what they did to me!
I know this is something that can be done quickly for you guys and i hope somebody will help me!
We can discuss about the app, i can show you some screenshots and explain you how the app is working!
It is really frustrating to not be able to finish the app as it is almost finish.
PS : it is a project that will certainly need some update in the futur, so the person capable of doing that “collaboration” work for me will certainly be the person i will contact next.
Thank you
EDIT : as a designer i will be more than happy to help you for your project too ; )