Help uploading build to Itunes connect

I am trying to publish my app onto the iOS store. I have put it on several of my devices, and all is working as intended. I followed the steps listed here but it has not worked. (I have made a new, distribution license.)

To make it easy to understand, I will break down what I have done into multiple steps

First, I have opened my app on my MacBook’s Corona simulator

Then, I have done command + b to build the app.

Then, I have entered in the appropriate application name, version, code signing identity, etc.

Then, I clicked build, which it did successfully

Then, It told me that “Your application is ready for distribution” and so I clicked “Upload to App Store…”

This is where my problem comes in.

After logging into the “Application Loader,” two things pop up, “Deliver Your App” and “New In-App Purchases”

I clicked Deliver Your App.

After displaying “Reviewing Your Applications…” for a short time, it asked me to select a file.

I navigated to my .app file, but it does not let me select it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I am more than happy to answer any questions.

Also, I would also appreciate a guide on how to PUBLISH the app, since I have already created the certificate and provisioning profiles and such.

I think you need to use .zip file.

So Lin

Thank you for the reply! When I try to do that, I get the error message: “Unable to Upload package: The package could not be unpacked because of the following error: Unable to create directory: /var/folders/zb/7rgvf8m…/T/”

I’m not really sure where your problem might be originating. Normally this is a pretty cut-and-dry procedure. Which build of Corona are you on?

Thank you all very much for you replies! I originally tried using builds 2690 and 2706, but when I tried it with 2707, it worked! Also, So Lin, you were correct in that I needed to select the .zip file rather than the .app. After a bit of difficulty, I was able to upload my build, and get screenshots for all devices using the Xcode iOS simulator. My app is now “waiting for review.”

Once again, thank you both helping me.

I use the Application Loader - it uploads my .ipa to my iTunes Connect account just fine

(instructions to download the app are on page 10)

I think you need to use .zip file.

So Lin

Thank you for the reply! When I try to do that, I get the error message: “Unable to Upload package: The package could not be unpacked because of the following error: Unable to create directory: /var/folders/zb/7rgvf8m…/T/”

I’m not really sure where your problem might be originating. Normally this is a pretty cut-and-dry procedure. Which build of Corona are you on?

Thank you all very much for you replies! I originally tried using builds 2690 and 2706, but when I tried it with 2707, it worked! Also, So Lin, you were correct in that I needed to select the .zip file rather than the .app. After a bit of difficulty, I was able to upload my build, and get screenshots for all devices using the Xcode iOS simulator. My app is now “waiting for review.”

Once again, thank you both helping me.

I use the Application Loader - it uploads my .ipa to my iTunes Connect account just fine

(instructions to download the app are on page 10)