help with math


I have a code for create arcs:

function newArc(startAngle, sWidthAngle, eWidthAngle, radius) local group = display.newGroup() local verts = {} verts[#verts + 1] = 0 verts[#verts + 1] = 0 local minX, minY = 0, 0 local initX, initY = radius \* math.cos(startAngle), radius \* math.sin(startAngle) if (initX \< minX) then minX = initX end if (initY \< minY) then minY = initY end for i = sWidthAngle, eWidthAngle do local a = (startAngle + i) \* math.pi / 180 local x, y = radius \* math.cos(a), radius \* math.sin(a) verts[#verts + 1] = x verts[#verts + 1] = y if (x \< minX) then minX = x end if (y \< minY) then minY = y end end local arc = display.newPolygon(minX, minY, verts) arc.anchorX, arc.anchorY = 0, 0 arc.verts = verts group:insert(arc) group.arc = arc return group end local group = display.newGroup() for i=1, 6 do local ang = 360 / 6 local arc = newArc(0, ang \* (i - 1), ang \* i, 100) arc.arc:setFillColor(math.random(0,255) / 255, math.random(0,255) / 255, math.random(0,255) / 255) group:insert(arc) end group.x = display.contentCenterX group.y = display.contentCenterY

I need separete arcs with a 5 pixes from center/left/right top/bottom

Does anyone know how to do?