I have just finished making some sprites for the game I’m working on.
Right now I have one goal. Make a character move left and right on the screen.
I already encountered an obstacle- this error that I don’t even know what it means.
It happened since I added this code to main.lua
local char2 = display.newImage(“char2.png”)
char2.x = _W/2
char2.y = _H/2
physics.addBody( character, { friction=1.0, density=1.0, bounce=0} )
When I try to run the thing in the Corona simulator, I get this error (please take a look at the attached picture).
I have no idea what is wrong with the code above, but this error appears only when I add that code, so I’m guessing there is something wrong with it.
Could someone help me explain what I’m doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!