Fixed the RGB error thanks to a comment here . Simply had to remove a line of code in lime-objectLayer. hopefully this gets fixed soon
EDIT: Okay now after fixing this error and jumping into the making a sprite jump tutorial im getting this error:
Heres my code
lime = require(“lime.lime”)
local map = lime.loadMap(“maps/tut.tmx”)
local onPlayerSpawnObject = function(object)
local layer = map:getTileLayer(“Player”)
player = display.newImage(, “guy.png”)
player.x = object.x
player.y = object.y
map:addObjectListener(“PlayerSpawn”, onPlayerSpawnObject)
–local onObject = function(object)
– display.newImage(object.playerImage, object.x, object.y)
–map:addObjectListener(“PlayerSpawn”, onObject)
local visual = lime.createVisual(map)
local physical = lime.buildPhysical(map)
The commented out lines are from a previous tutorial… any idea why its giving the errors attached?