HI, Im Roy

Im just another kid(13yr old) trying to push myself into making new stuff that most other people cant. I have a little background in applescript, java , C++ and ADK but i found this SDK with a neat physics engine, so i wanted to try it out :slight_smile:  I hope you guys can give me some tips, im currently reading Corona SDK mobile game development written by Michelle M. and It’s a pretty good guide for starters, but bit hard to follow in some parts.

thx for reading! 

P.S Im chinese btw

feel free to add me on steam :) 



Hi Roy!   Try not to show up us old folks too badly.    :smiley:


   i am new user to this forum.



This forum is very helpful & people are friendly. 

I have posted tons of questions and I can get most answers or guidance here.

feel free to add me on steam :) 



Hi Roy!   Try not to show up us old folks too badly.    :smiley:


   i am new user to this forum.



This forum is very helpful & people are friendly. 

I have posted tons of questions and I can get most answers or guidance here.