High school students: receive college credit and learn Corona!

Yes, completion of Alg 2 will be required for the dual-enrollment course. The schedule is flexible.
Since it is all online and students are all over the country (maybe the world!), there is no specific class meeting time. I have created lectures and assignments for each day’s assignment.
Dr. B. [import]uid: 34131 topic_id: 22494 reply_id: 107378[/import]

Sorry for taking so long to get back to your question. Equivalent to AP/Honors? Yes. The difference being that for AP classes you have to take a test after the class is over to receive credit. With Dual-Enrollment, you receive college credit as long as you pass the class (a much better deal in my opinion). [import]uid: 34131 topic_id: 22494 reply_id: 107380[/import]

excellent that could be useful…¡¡¡ [import]uid: 150744 topic_id: 22494 reply_id: 107768[/import]

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We have made a few modifications to the course:
First, we are moving the start date to January, 2013 (assuming we all survive 12/21/12;-)
It will be offered as an open enrollment and dual-enrollment course meaning you can take it for college credit & high school credit, but it won’t be limited to just high school students.
On the Algebra 2 requirement - If you are doing dual enrollment and are currently enrolled in Algebra 2, you will be eligible to take the class.
It will be an introduction to programming using Corona to develop mobile applications. So no previous programming experience is necessary. I am busy writing the textbook now, but it should be available way before the start date of the class.
As more details become available, I will post them here!

[import]uid: 34131 topic_id: 22494 reply_id: 114012[/import]

Since you are moving the start date to january, will it change from a 1 year course to a semester long course? I’m assuming that it will not go on into the summer. [import]uid: 123067 topic_id: 22494 reply_id: 114152[/import]

Correct Paul, it will be a 1 semester course instead of a 1 year course. Makes it much easier to manage on college side and allows us to offer the course more broadly. [import]uid: 34131 topic_id: 22494 reply_id: 114160[/import]