Hiya, new user/student for Corona on Udemy..

Hi there, I’m new here, and would like some advice…

I would love to create a puzzle game using Corona on iOS, I’m on a Mac, so that’s good, but where do i start?

​I’m watching the course on Corona SDK now, however, I’m confused… How much Lua do i need to know to get started?


Thanks… :smiley:

Hi Breanna.  Different people learn different ways and of course we try to accommodate as many of these as possible.  I would recommend starting here:   http://coronalabs.com/resources/tutorials/getting-started-with-corona/

There are text tutorials, video tutorials, pointers to 3rd party tutorials, which should help get you started.  On your Mac in /Applications/CoronaSDK/SampleCode are a bunch of sample apps that you can look into to see how things are done.

Right now, Corona SDK requires quite a bit of Lua to get started.  You will need a text editor (we recommend Sublime Text, but it’s not free) that you’re comfortable with.  Generally you make a folder, copy open of the sample apps to your code (so you get all of the frame work: config.lua, build.settings, starter Icons, launcher images, and a main.lua.) and go to town.

Welcome to Corona!


Thanks so much! Just the in-depth answer i was looking for. ^^

Okay, i’ll look into the tutorials, and sample apps. And, i’ll buy a book on Lua after i finish the course about Corona on that Udemy site.  I have Sublime Text download with the plugin for Corona, and will buy the app next month so i get to keep using it. Thanks for the tips. :smiley:

Hi Breanna.  Different people learn different ways and of course we try to accommodate as many of these as possible.  I would recommend starting here:   http://coronalabs.com/resources/tutorials/getting-started-with-corona/

There are text tutorials, video tutorials, pointers to 3rd party tutorials, which should help get you started.  On your Mac in /Applications/CoronaSDK/SampleCode are a bunch of sample apps that you can look into to see how things are done.

Right now, Corona SDK requires quite a bit of Lua to get started.  You will need a text editor (we recommend Sublime Text, but it’s not free) that you’re comfortable with.  Generally you make a folder, copy open of the sample apps to your code (so you get all of the frame work: config.lua, build.settings, starter Icons, launcher images, and a main.lua.) and go to town.

Welcome to Corona!


Thanks so much! Just the in-depth answer i was looking for. ^^

Okay, i’ll look into the tutorials, and sample apps. And, i’ll buy a book on Lua after i finish the course about Corona on that Udemy site.  I have Sublime Text download with the plugin for Corona, and will buy the app next month so i get to keep using it. Thanks for the tips. :smiley: