hot reload on source change = frequent simulator crashes (win)

environment:  using build 3205, but any fairly recent daily ought to duplicate it.  either of two desktop dev machines can duplicate (both win 10 pro and otherwise “stable” in general, one i7 w/ AMD 6800 GPU, other i5 w/ NVidia 750, both w/ current drivers, both w/ plenty of ram/hd/etc)

scenario:  rapidly iterating source-code changes, saving files, causing auto-reload of already-running simulator.  all files are on local drives.

problem:  after some number of reloads (occasionally as few as 1, but rarely more than 10) simulator will crash with “Corona Simulator has stopped working” dialog.  if press close, then simulator process terminates, output console window remains.

if I click debug instead of close, having Visual Studio installed, I get “An unhandled win32 exception occurred in Corona Simulator.exe [2400]”

continuing into actual debugger i get “Unhandled exception at 0x722d7666 in Corona Simulator.exe: 0xC0000409: 0xc0000409.”

looking at the disassembly, it’s at an “int 29h” instruction (preceded by push 7; pop ecx;)

which might seem to indicate (it’s not my job to understand) some sort of security exception may be involved??

any ideas?  thx

I’ve brought this up with our engineers.

Thanks Rob.

More:  Have not been able to replicate with the sample projects.  (get bored, give up, before it crashes, if ever)  Was able to duplicate with Corona Cannon, though not as easily as with my own project.  Wonder if it may be a “complexity” issue – perhaps it’s not the reload functionality itself at fault, but some deeper functionality or lib (audio, graphics, etc) that needs to be well-exercised to “expose” the problem during reload???  fwiw

I’m seeing this a lot too, been a frequent problem for a couple months on a variety of build versions.  On 3226 and it happens randomly, can be 20 reloads or 2.  Nothing changes in code and it works fine.  I iterate a lot, especially on UI stuff, so do frequent refreshes and this is quite annoying.

I’ve brought this up with our engineers.

Thanks Rob.

More:  Have not been able to replicate with the sample projects.  (get bored, give up, before it crashes, if ever)  Was able to duplicate with Corona Cannon, though not as easily as with my own project.  Wonder if it may be a “complexity” issue – perhaps it’s not the reload functionality itself at fault, but some deeper functionality or lib (audio, graphics, etc) that needs to be well-exercised to “expose” the problem during reload???  fwiw

I’m seeing this a lot too, been a frequent problem for a couple months on a variety of build versions.  On 3226 and it happens randomly, can be 20 reloads or 2.  Nothing changes in code and it works fine.  I iterate a lot, especially on UI stuff, so do frequent refreshes and this is quite annoying.