How can I opening projects on remote machines?

My main dev machine is my mac mini.   All my project are on there.

My mac book can “see” my projects on my remote machine as those folders are shared.

However in Glider I cannot open remote projects using open project as it only allows me to navigate up to the root dir on the machine i.e. , it cannot see the shared directories on other machines.

Any suggestions apart from copying the folders to the mac book?


Hello Dweezil,

You can open any project by dragging and dropping it into the editor. This is by far the easiest and preferred way to open projects:

Network drives add a whole new layer of complexity to the system. We do not test on network drive as heavily as we do on our local drive. We highly recommend keeping everything under version control and syncing the computers that way instead of directly editing on the Network. 


M.Y. Developers

Hello Dweezil,

You can open any project by dragging and dropping it into the editor. This is by far the easiest and preferred way to open projects:

Network drives add a whole new layer of complexity to the system. We do not test on network drive as heavily as we do on our local drive. We highly recommend keeping everything under version control and syncing the computers that way instead of directly editing on the Network. 


M.Y. Developers