I need to emit particles of different colors but when I run these particles do not change color. in particle properties definition, I wrote this:
imagePath = “star.png”,
imageWidth = 20,
imageHeight = 20,
velocityStart = 150,
directionVariation = 360,
autoRotation = false,
colorStart = ({30,15,40}), colorChange =({-50,50,0}), alphaStart = 0.9,
alphaVariation = 0.1,
fadeOutSpeed = -1.0,
fadeOutDelay = 1000,
weight = 1,–0.2,
killOutsideScreen = true,
lifeTime = 1000,
–blendMode = “add”
thank you!!! [import]uid: 59020 topic_id: 15802 reply_id: 315802[/import]