How do I delete objects from a ScrollView?

Hi, I am trying to remove text objects from a scrollView (to simulate going through a place selector where you can choose your state > county > and then school, but when I try to delete objects they don’t remove themselves.
I’ve tried object:removeSelf(); object = ni
I’ve also tried display.remove(object)
And I’ve also tried removing them from the scrollView
But, none of these options worked and I’m a bit puzzled. :huh:
Here’s a portion of the code. It is running in a module to save space in my main files. Corona version is on 2017.3178, but it functions the same on previous versions.

local scrollViewCreator = {} local widget = require("widget") local storage = require("storage") local AllSchoolsTable = {} local SchoolsButtons = {} local scrollView function scrollViewCreator.createScrollView(catagory, parameter, ratio) -- Return Table of All Schools if (scrollView ~= nil) then for i = 1,#SchoolsButtons do -- Remove buttons print("Removing") scrollView:remove(SchoolsButtons[i]) SchoolsButtons[i]:removeSelf() SchoolsButtons[i] = nil end SchoolsButtons = {} end if (textGroup == nil) then textGroup = display.newGroup() end if (scrollView == nil) then scrollView = widget.newScrollView({x = display.contentCenterX,y = display.contentCenterY,width = display.contentWidth, height = display.contentHeight/2,horizontalScrollDisabled = true, hideBackground = false, backgroundColor = {3/255, 166/255, 120/255}}) end AllSchoolsTable = storage.GetAll(catagory, parameter) -- Returns values to use with the text objects for i = 1,#AllSchoolsTable do -- Creates text buttons and inserts them into the ScrolLView SchoolsButtons[i] = display.newText({parent = textGroup, text = AllSchoolsTable[i], x = display.contentCenterX, y = (120 \* i) \* ratio, font = mainFont,fontSize = 60 \* ratio,align = "center"}) SchoolsButtons[i].name = AllSchoolsTable[i] scrollView:insert(SchoolsButtons[i]) end -- adds listeners down here. end

Any help would be appreciated, this issue has perplexed me.