How do I get my accounts de-authorized?

I am trying to get all computers that have used Corona de-authorized. Can someone help me with this? I don’t have the machines to do it manually. It is for our developer who used the account on his machine.

Thanks for the help!

I’ve deauthed for you. Modern versions of Corona have a pretty high number of authorizations allowed and you only had a couple, so it shouldn’t have been an issue.  If you have other email addresses, I’ll need to know them, but it’s best to email support AT with that information rather than putting it in a public forum.


I’ve deauthed for you. Modern versions of Corona have a pretty high number of authorizations allowed and you only had a couple, so it shouldn’t have been an issue.  If you have other email addresses, I’ll need to know them, but it’s best to email support AT with that information rather than putting it in a public forum.
