How do I remove Lime content when changing scenes with storyboard?

I’ve been using storyboard to change levels, but when I change scenes, the tiles generated by lime are not removed.  Does anyone have any advice on this?  

All other objects, like the score text and buttons are removed properly on exitscene/removescene/purgescene (i’ve tried them knowing the difference).  I’ve looked at lots of tutorials without luck.  Do I need to add the lime generated content or map to an object group?

examples or tips are super appreciated.  Thank you in advance!

Is it okay to bump this topic?  I’m really hoping to get some help and I feel like this is a really common use case with an easy solution.  I just need some help.  

I’ve tried a lot of things at this point and I am looking for what is needed to remove the lime generated content during the scene changes.  is it something like visual:removeSelf() in the scene:exitScene function?  or is it more a matter of adding the map visuals to the objectgroup with group:insert(visual) and letting the storyboard functions clear the level content?  

Its the latter. Your display objects need to be in the main scene group.


function scene:createScene( event )

    local group = self.view



just wanted to give a huge thanks to jonjonsson.  I am slow to follow up, but right after he replied it led me down the right path to fixing my issue.  His suggestion was really helpful and the remaining issue I had after changing scenes was an unrelated crash from having two Event Listeners that i was able to consolidate into one Runtime:addEventListener( “enterFrame”, onUpdate ))

Super huge thanks!

Is it okay to bump this topic?  I’m really hoping to get some help and I feel like this is a really common use case with an easy solution.  I just need some help.  

I’ve tried a lot of things at this point and I am looking for what is needed to remove the lime generated content during the scene changes.  is it something like visual:removeSelf() in the scene:exitScene function?  or is it more a matter of adding the map visuals to the objectgroup with group:insert(visual) and letting the storyboard functions clear the level content?  

Its the latter. Your display objects need to be in the main scene group.


function scene:createScene( event )

    local group = self.view



just wanted to give a huge thanks to jonjonsson.  I am slow to follow up, but right after he replied it led me down the right path to fixing my issue.  His suggestion was really helpful and the remaining issue I had after changing scenes was an unrelated crash from having two Event Listeners that i was able to consolidate into one Runtime:addEventListener( “enterFrame”, onUpdate ))

Super huge thanks!