How do I update my OpenGL version?

Hey guys,

I had a problem with my PC so now I have to reinstall everything I previously installed. So I have to update my OpenGL Drivers, how do I do that?

Thanks in advance! [import]uid: 168985 topic_id: 37269 reply_id: 67269[/import]

Hi @taylorringo,
Depends on your version of Windows and/or your video card. Google “OpenGL drivers” and see what comes up… there should be several reliable references how to do it.

Brent [import]uid: 200026 topic_id: 37269 reply_id: 145512[/import]

I have Windows 8, I upgraded my PC in January. [import]uid: 168985 topic_id: 37269 reply_id: 145514[/import]

Hi @taylorringo,
Depends on your version of Windows and/or your video card. Google “OpenGL drivers” and see what comes up… there should be several reliable references how to do it.

Brent [import]uid: 200026 topic_id: 37269 reply_id: 145512[/import]

I have Windows 8, I upgraded my PC in January. [import]uid: 168985 topic_id: 37269 reply_id: 145514[/import]