Hey sorry guys I’m still having some trouble. I kind of get it but I don’t know what to set as my spawn parameters within the spawning function. I’m trying to enter these tables into the code but they are spawning in weird spots. This what I have, sorry if it’s a bit of a mess.
local relayout = require("relayout")
local _W, _H, _CX, _CY = relayout._W, relayout._H, relayout._CX, relayout._CY
local physics = require( "physics" )
local gx = {}
gx[1] = _CX - 120
gx[2] = _CX - 80
gx[3] = _CX - 40
gx[4] = _CX - 0
gx[5] = _CX + 40
gx[6] = _CX + 80
gx[7] = _CX + 120
local gy = {}
gy[1] = _CY - 280
gy[2] = _CY - 240
gy[3] = _CY - 200
gy[4] = _CY - 160
gy[5] = _CY - 120
gy[6] = _CY - 80
gy[7] = _CY - 40
gy[8] = _CY
gy[9] = _CY + 40
gy[10] = _CY + 80
gy[11] = _CY + 120
gy[12] = _CY + 160
gy[13] = _CY + 200
gy[14] = _CY + 240
gy[15] = _CY + 280
local howManyXs = #gx
local howManyYs = #gy
local randomXIndex = math.random(1, howManyXs)
local randomYIndex = math.random(1, howManyYs)
--print("My Random X is "..gx[randomXIndex])
--print("My Random Y is "..gy[randomYIndex])
local stepSize = 40
local numberOfRows = 7
local numberOfColumns = 15
--the start positions for X and Y values
local xPosition = _CX-120
local yPosition = _CY-280
--this will cause the code inside the loop to repeat from the start number to the end number
--in this case from 1 to 7
for loopCount = 1, numberOfRows do
--this will set the values of gx[1] to gx[7] to the current value of 'xPosition' as it repeats
gx[loopCount] = xPosition
--and this will increase the value of xPosition by stepSize each time this loop repeats
xPosition = xPosition + stepSize
local board = display.newImageRect( "grid.png", 280, 600 )
board.x = _CX
board.y = _CY
--local water = display.newRect (_CX, _CY, 39, 39)
--water:setFillColor (0.53, 0.81, 0.94 )
--water.velocity = 0
--water.gravity = 0.1
--physics.addBody (water, "dynamic", { density=1, bounce=0.0 })
--local dirt = display.newRect (_CX, _CY + 280 , 39, 39)
--dirt:setFillColor (0.39, 0.26, 0.12)
--physics.addBody (dirt, "dynamic", { density=1, bounce=0.0 })
local function checkCollision(obj1, obj2)
local left = (obj1.contentBounds.xMin) <= obj2.contentBounds.xMin and (obj1.contentBounds.xMax) >= obj2.contentBounds.xMin
local right = (obj1.contentBounds.xMin) >= obj2.contentBounds.xMin and (obj1.contentBounds.xMin) <= obj2.contentBounds.xMax
local up = (obj1.contentBounds.yMin) <= obj2.contentBounds.yMin and (obj1.contentBounds.yMax) >= obj2.contentBounds.yMin
local down = (obj1.contentBounds.yMin) >= obj2.contentBounds.yMin and (obj1.contentBounds.yMin) <= obj2.contentBounds.yMax
return (left or right) and (up or down)
local floor = display.newRect (_CX, _CY + 319, _W * 3, 39)
floor:setFillColor (0, 0, 0 )
physics.addBody ( floor, "static", {bounce=0.0, friction=0.3 } )
local leftWall = display.newRect (_CX - 159, _CY, 39, _H)
leftWall:setFillColor (0, 0, 0 )
physics.addBody ( leftWall, "static", {bounce=0.0, friction=0.3 } )
local rightWall = display.newRect (_CX + 159, _CY, 39, _H)
rightWall:setFillColor (0, 0, 0 )
physics.addBody ( rightWall, "static", {bounce=0.0, friction=0.3 } )
local ceiling = display.newRect (_CX, _CY - 319, _W * 3, 39)
ceiling:setFillColor (0, 0, 0 )
physics.addBody ( ceiling, "static", {bounce=0.0, friction=0.3 } )
local spawnTimer
local spawnedItem = {}
local spawnedObjects = {}
-- Seed the random number generator
math.randomseed( os.time() )
local spawnParams = {}
xMin = gx[1]
xMax = gx[7]
yMin = gy [1]
yMax = gy[15]
spawnTime = 200
spawnOnTimer = 103
spawnInitial = 30
-- Spawn an item
local function spawnItem( bounds )
-- Create an item
local item = display.newRect (_CX, _CY, 39, 39)
physics.addBody (item, "dynamic", { density=1, bounce=0 })
item.isFixedRotation = true
-- Position item randomly within set bounds
item.x = math.random( bounds.xMin, bounds.xMax )
item.y = math.random( bounds.yMin, bounds.yMax )
-- Add item to "spawnedObjects" table for tracking purposes
spawnedObjects[#spawnedObjects+1] = item
local function spawnController( action, params )
-- Cancel timer on "start" or "stop", if it exists
if ( spawnTimer and ( action == "start" or action == "stop" ) ) then
timer.cancel( spawnTimer )
-- Start spawning
if ( action == "start" ) then
-- Gather/set spawning bounds
local spawnBounds = {}
spawnBounds.xMin = randomXIndex
spawnBounds.xMax = randomXIndex
spawnBounds.yMin = randomYIndex
spawnBounds.yMax = randomYIndex
-- Gather/set other spawning params
local spawnTime = params.spawnTime or 1000
local spawnOnTimer = params.spawnOnTimer or 50
local spawnInitial = params.spawnInitial or 0
-- If "spawnInitial" is greater than 0, spawn that many item(s) instantly
if ( spawnInitial > 0 ) then
for n = 1,spawnInitial do
spawnItem( spawnBounds )
-- Start repeating timer to spawn items
if ( spawnOnTimer > 0 ) then
spawnTimer = timer.performWithDelay( spawnTime,
function() spawnItem( spawnBounds ); end,
spawnOnTimer )
-- Pause spawning
elseif ( action == "pause" ) then
timer.pause( spawnTimer )
-- Resume spawning
elseif ( action == "resume" ) then
timer.resume( spawnTimer )
spawnController( "start", spawnParams )
-- local function update()
-- water.velocity = water.velocity - water.gravity
-- water.y = water.y - water.velocity
--Runtime:addEventListener ("enterFrame", update)