How does NetFlix do it?

If you’ve seen the NetFlix app (or other some other apps like news readers) their content (Images) appear like a tableView with each row of the tableView having a left-right version of another tableView.

Can tableViews be nested in Corona?

Is there any chance of seeing a left-right version in addition to the current up-down version?

It seems to me it is just a matter of placing a scrollview widget inside the tableview row of the tableview widget.  I haven’t tested this but I think it will work.

Both tableView and scrollView are top-to-bottom (vertical) actions. There would need to be a number of horizontal (left-right) scrolling widgets inside a top-bottom scrolling widget.

Unless you know some secret of constraining the vertical scrolling and enable a horizontal-only scroll of the scrollView widget?

Scrollviews can be constraint in the vertical


It seems to me it is just a matter of placing a scrollview widget inside the tableview row of the tableview widget.  I haven’t tested this but I think it will work.

Both tableView and scrollView are top-to-bottom (vertical) actions. There would need to be a number of horizontal (left-right) scrolling widgets inside a top-bottom scrolling widget.

Unless you know some secret of constraining the vertical scrolling and enable a horizontal-only scroll of the scrollView widget?

Scrollviews can be constraint in the vertical
