I’m trying to find all the attributes of an object … in this case, ‘display’.
I’m using Julio Manuel Fernandez-Diaz’s “table.show” and it shows a lot…
I *don’t* see things like “display.contentWidth”, which I know exists (since I can get and set it
(I was trying to ascertain which fields, on MacOS, would have the new window
width and height after a resize, since it’s not contentWidth & contentHeight
(hmmm…unless they do have the same, implying the window’s scale changed!))
Why don’t I see contentWidth? How can I see *all* fields/attributes/tags/indices/whatever-you-call-them?
At the time of the following, the display.contentWidth and contentHeight report at being 4096 and 2048 respectively.
print (show_table (display, “”, " ")) -->
Oct 26 07:50:03.227 = {
[“BottomRightReferencePoint”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d0977”;
[“HiddenStatusBar”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d08d8”;
[“setDrawMode”] = “function: 0x6080004619c0, C function”;
[“save”] = “function: 0x608000071f40, C function”;
[“newPolygon”] = “function: 0x608000072cc0, C function”;
[“newText”] = “function: 0x60800006e1c0, C function”;
[“newRetinaText”] = “function: 0x60800024f840, defined in (522-525)=?”;
[“captureScreen”] = “function: 0x608000071380, C function”;
[“newMesh”] = “function: 0x60800046a800, C function”;
[“newImage”] = “function: 0x608000274a80, C function”;
[“capture”] = “function: 0x608000077d80, C function”;
[“revision”] = 1;
[“newSnapshot”] = “function: 0x608000274f00, C function”;
[“newRect”] = “function: 0x608000460d40, C function”;
["_newContainer"] = “function: 0x60800007fe40, C function”;
[“newGroup”] = “function: 0x608000071600, C function”;
[“name”] = “display”;
[“newSprite”] = “function: 0x608000276380, C function”;
[“TopRightReferencePoint”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d0975”;
["__metatableOrig"] = {
[“super”] = {
[“setCurrentProvider”] = “function: 0x608000052150, defined in (123-143)=?”;
[“getProvider”] = “function: 0x60800004e340, defined in (113-115)=?”;
[“class”] = {}; – ["__metatableOrig"][“super”] (self reference)
[“super”] = {
[“newClass”] = “function: 0x60800005cbf0, defined in (101-117)=?”;
[“setExtension”] = “function: 0x6080002545b0, defined in (124-163)=?”;
[“class”] = {}; – ["__metatableOrig"][“super”][“super”] (self reference)
["_defaults"] = {
[“newClassOptions”] = {};
[“anonymousCount”] = 0;
[“super”] = {}; – ["__metatableOrig"][“super”][“super”] (self reference)
[“isClass”] = “function: 0x60800004db60, defined in (119-122)=?”;
[“initialize”] = “function: 0x608000255150, defined in (91-93)=?”;
[“instanceOf”] = “function: 0x608000245070, defined in (165-190)=?”;
[“isRoot”] = “function: 0x6080000520c0, defined in (192-194)=?”;
["__index"] = {}; – ["__metatableOrig"][“super”][“super”] (self reference)
[“new”] = “function: 0x60800005aeb0, defined in (55-89)=?”;
[“shouldNewConvertFirstParameterToInstance”] = true;
[“publisherId”] = “anonymous”;
[“getCurrentProvider”] = “function: 0x60800005ea20, defined in (118-120)=?”;
["__index"] = {}; – ["__metatableOrig"][“super”] (self reference)
[“new”] = “function: 0x60800005a250, defined in (23-37)=?”;
[“revision”] = 1;
[“providerNameToModuleName”] = “function: 0x608000243840, defined in (83-91)=?”;
[“version”] = 1;
[“initialize”] = “function: 0x608000461b00, defined in (39-65)=?”;
[“requireProvider”] = “function: 0x608000243120, defined in (96-111)=?”;
["__metatableOrig"] = {}; – ["__metatableOrig"][“super”][“super”] (self reference)
[“initializeProvider”] = “function: 0x608000244800, defined in (67-81)=?”;
[“name”] = “anonymous”;
[“name”] = “display”;
[“class”] = {}; – ["__metatableOrig"] (self reference)
["__index"] = {}; – ["__metatableOrig"] (self reference)
["__metatableOrig"] = {}; – ["__metatableOrig"][“super”] (self reference)
[“LightTransparentStatusBar”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d08dc”;
[“remove”] = “function: 0x60800005d5b0, defined in (512-519)=?”;
[“CenterRightReferencePoint”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d0976”;
[“CenterLeftReferencePoint”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d097a”;
[“BottomLeftReferencePoint”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d0979”;
[“newRoundedRect”] = “function: 0x608000274580, C function”;
[“BottomCenterReferencePoint”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d0978”;
[“TranslucentStatusBar”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d08da”;
[“loadRemoteImage”] = “function: 0x608000256920, defined in (468-509)=?”;
[“newImageRect”] = “function: 0x608000463e80, C function”;
[“publisherId”] = “com.coronalabs”;
[“TopCenterReferencePoint”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d0974”;
[“getDefault”] = “function: 0x6080002760c0, C function”;
["__index"] = {}; – (self reference)
[“newCircle”] = “function: 0x608000466280, C function”;
[“TopLeftReferencePoint”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d0973”;
[“setDefault”] = “function: 0x608000468a00, C function”;
[“getCurrentStage”] = “function: 0x60800027fcc0, C function”;
[“CenterReferencePoint”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d0972”;
[“DarkTransparentStatusBar”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d08dd”;
[“newContainer”] = “function: 0x60800007fb00, C function”;
[“DarkStatusBar”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d08db”;
[“DefaultStatusBar”] = “userdata: 0x10f8d08d9”;
[“class”] = {}; – ["__metatableOrig"] (self reference)
[“colorSample”] = “function: 0x60800026d000, C function”;
[“captureBounds”] = “function: 0x608000072a40, C function”;
[“version”] = 1;
[“setStatusBar”] = “function: 0x60800026da40, C function”;
[“newLine”] = “function: 0x60800026da00, C function”;
[“newEmbossedText”] = “function: 0x60800007fbc0, C function”;
[“newEmitter”] = “function: 0x60800026e540, C function”;
["__metatableOrig"][“super”][“class”] = ["__metatableOrig"][“super”];
["__metatableOrig"][“super”][“super”][“class”] = ["__metatableOrig"][“super”][“super”];
["__metatableOrig"][“super”][“super”][“super”] = ["__metatableOrig"][“super”][“super”];
["__metatableOrig"][“super”][“super”]["__index"] = ["__metatableOrig"][“super”][“super”];
["__metatableOrig"][“super”]["__index"] = ["__metatableOrig"][“super”];
["__metatableOrig"][“super”]["__metatableOrig"] = ["__metatableOrig"][“super”][“super”];
["__metatableOrig"][“class”] = ["__metatableOrig"];
["__metatableOrig"]["__index"] = ["__metatableOrig"];
["__metatableOrig"]["__metatableOrig"] = ["__metatableOrig"][“super”];
["__index"] = ;
[“class”] = ["__metatableOrig"];