How to access methods for instances of a class?


I’m just starting so I’m still trying to get a good understanding of the basics.
here is a simplified version of what I am trying to do : basically adding a number of balls to the screen and move them.
My questions are contained in the code and will be easier to understand in the context.

Any pointer is greatly appreciated :slight_smile:


[lua]require (“Balls”)
require (“Ball”)

local Game = {}

function Game:startSetup()
local Balls = Balls:new()



– How can I change the position of an instance of my Ball class?
– I would like to move my objects (circles) independantly
– -> …[/lua]

[lua]Balls = {}
Balls_mt = {__index = Balls}

function Balls:new()
local new_inst = {}
setmetatable(new_inst, Balls_mt)
return new_inst


function Balls:setup()
– Set Balls Defaults
local params = {
{ radius=20, xdir=1, ydir=1, xspeed=2.8, yspeed=6.1, r=255, g=0, b=0, posx=400, posy=150 },
{ radius=50, xdir=-1, ydir=-1, xspeed=1.8, yspeed=1.5, r=115, g=23, b=33, posx=200, posy=200 }

for i, j in pairs(params) do
ball = Ball:new(j)



function Balls:animate()

local _Balls=self
– Question : How to access .move method for each instance of the Ball class?
for i, ball in pairs(_Balls) do
ball:move() – Doesn’t work | Error : attempt to index local ‘ball’ (a function value)


return Balls[/lua]

[lua]Ball = {}
Ball_mt = {__index = Ball}

function Ball:new(params)

local new_inst = {}
setmetatable(new_inst, Ball_mt)

– Default Location
local default_xpos = display.contentWidth*0.5
local default_ypos = display.contentHeight*0.5

– Draw Ball
local new_inst = display.newCircle(default_xpos, default_ypos, params.radius )
new_inst.x = params.posx
new_inst.y = params.posy

– Copy params to new_inst
for i, j in pairs(params) do
new_inst[i] = j
return new_inst

– I need to access that function from main.lua and balls.lua
function Ball:move()
print (“Move Ball”)

return Ball[/lua]

My questions

  1. I believe that if I understand how to access methods for instances of a class I will be able to make progress
  2. Is there a table that stores all the instances of a class?

Thank you :slight_smile: [import]uid: 95346 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 320854[/import]

When you call a function with “:” like ball:move() there is an hidden parameter call “self” which point to the instance. Use self.[anyproperty] to access instance properties.
Hope it helps. [import]uid: 77660 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 82174[/import]

Thank you for the answer.
I am not sure how your suggestion is suited to my case?

[lua]local _Balls=self
– Question : How to access .move method for each instance of the Ball class?
for i, ball in pairs(_Balls) do
ball:move() – Doesn’t work | Error : attempt to index local ‘ball’ (a function value)

ball.move() doesn’t work either.

I want to access the method for my instances (are methods same as properties in programming?), and I believe that I already pass the instance to the move function because ball is taken from _Balls and local _Balls=self .

I can’t see where I would need to modify my script and the relevancy of your answer doesn’t appear clearly to my eyes.
Can you elaborate? [import]uid: 95346 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 82184[/import]

I am also finding this a little confusing, I can easily do what I want to do with a single instance of a display object e.g. ball but when I create multiple instances its becomes unclear how to access a single instance. On day day 2 of learning will check back here to hopefully get a clearer picture. [import]uid: 118379 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 82187[/import]

Hum, why are you using:

local \_Balls=self


As pairs need the table containing your balls.

I’m not confortable with your sample. Here is mine:


Ball = {}
Ball_mt = {__index = Ball}

– Note the use of ‘.’ instead of ‘:’ because it’s not a method of an instance

local new_inst = {}
– setmetatable(new_inst, Ball_mt) – removed!

– Default Location
local default_xpos = display.contentWidth*0.5
local default_ypos = display.contentHeight*0.5

– Create Display Object for Ball
local new_inst = display.newCircle(default_xpos, default_ypos, params.radius )
new_inst.x = params.posx
new_inst.y = params.posy

return setmetatable(new_inst,Ball_mt)

– I need to access that function from main.lua and balls.lua
function Ball:move(dist)
print (“Move Ball”)
self.x = self.x + dist – example of accessing a property

return Ball[/code]

Now how to create 2 balls and move them :

_balls = require(“balls”)

local ball1 =
local ball2 =

[/code] [import]uid: 77660 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 82191[/import]

– Edit -> I replaced

function Ball:new()



because new is not a class method and do not need to receive the hidden self parameter.

Read more here: [import]uid: 77660 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 82192[/import]

HAHA, much better. Thx for the insight. I found this tutorial which also has a great approach to OOP if any one needs further help.

On the way to being able to get stuck in. [import]uid: 118379 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 82193[/import]

HAHA, much better. Thx for the insight. I found this tutorial which also has a great approach to OOP if any one needs further help.

On the way to being able to get stuck in. [import]uid: 118379 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 82194[/import]

HAHA, much better. Thx for the insight. I found this tutorial which also has a great approach to OOP if any one needs further help.

On the way to being able to get stuck in. [import]uid: 118379 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 82195[/import]

Opps, it kept asking me to verify. BUG [import]uid: 118379 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 82196[/import]

dmekersa >
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer. I appreciate.
I will take the time to study (started a few days ago and I was stuck).

I have a question :
In your example each ball is manually created
local ball1 =

How would you create a function so that you can populate Balls (10 at once for example) and still access each instance easily later?
Would you store the names in a table or, what would be the best practice? [import]uid: 95346 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 82200[/import]

Me too, same question. Does not seem intuitive to manually declare each ball? [import]uid: 118379 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 82202[/import]

In a table, using table.insert then browsing the table with pairs, example :

for k in pairs(listBall) do  

read [import]uid: 77660 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 82207[/import]

Thank you. I have read the docs at lua-users (and more) but I guess I will learn more with time.

I have a last question : I can’t access methods on my instances of Ball after I have stored them in a table, but I can access some of their properties.
-> attempt to call method ‘move’ (a nil value)

Where am I mistaking?

If someone could point me in the right direction, that would be great.
Thank you!


[lua]_balls = require (“Balls”)
_ball = require (“Ball”)
require (“libraries”)

local Game = {}
function Game:startSetup()
local Balls =
local listBalls = _balls:setup()

print (listBalls[1].x) – Displays “400”, great until there

listBalls[1]:move(50) – Doesn’t work.How can I access function move() in ball.lua



[lua]Balls = {}
Balls_mt = {__index = Balls}

local listBalls = {}

local new_inst = {}
setmetatable(new_inst, Balls_mt)
return (new_inst)


function Balls:setup()
– Set Balls Defaults
local params = {
{ radius=20, xdir=1, ydir=1, xspeed=2.8, yspeed=6.1, r=255, g=0, b=0, posx=400, posy=150 },
{ radius=50, xdir=-1, ydir=-1, xspeed=1.8, yspeed=1.5, r=115, g=23, b=33, posx=200, posy=200},
{ radius=20, xdir=1, ydir=1, xspeed=2.8, yspeed=6.1, r=255, g=0, b=0, posx=400, posy=350 }

for i, j in pairs(params) do
local ball =
table.insert(listBalls, ball)
ball = nil

return (listBalls)


return Balls[/lua]


[lua]Ball = {}
Ball_mt = {__index = Ball}


local new_inst = {}
setmetatable(new_inst, Ball_mt)

– Default Location
local default_xpos = display.contentWidth*0.5
local default_ypos = display.contentHeight*0.5

– Create Display Object for Ball
new_inst = display.newCircle(default_xpos, default_ypos, params.radius )
new_inst.x = params.posx
new_inst.y = params.posy

return (new_inst)

function Ball:move(dist)
print (“Move Ball”)
–self.x = self.x + dist – example of accessing a property

return Ball[/lua]


On top of my previous question here is another one :

When I use
[lua]return setmetatable(new_inst,Ball_mt)[/lua]
I can access my “move” method but print (listBalls[1].x) gives me a nil

On the other hand :
[lua]return (new_inst)[/lua]
I can’t access my “move” method but print (listBalls[1].x) gives me 400 (correct value)

[code]attempt to call method ‘move’ (a nil value)
>> I would like to store access .x and other properties on my ball objects AND access the method from the class move().
How would I achieve that?
Also in the docs Lua Simple classes setmetatable is not done on return.

Can somebody explain me what I should learn from that difference?
Thank you! [import]uid: 95346 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 82448[/import]

If anyone could please take a look at my last message above, it probably shouldn’t take more than 2 minutes for someone a bit experienced.
This guy on the picture is worried that I will never be able to start working on my platformer.
Help him, help me.

Thank you [import]uid: 95346 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 82734[/import]

Do you have a copy of require libraries.lua?

Thanks. [import]uid: 23649 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 83006[/import]

Hi Jeremy,

in fact libraries.lua is nothing special, just my own lua file for testing purposes. [import]uid: 95346 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 83118[/import]

Try this:


Ball = {}
Ball_mt = {__index = Ball}


local new_inst = {}

– Default Location
local default_xpos = display.contentWidth*0.5
local default_ypos = display.contentHeight*0.5

– Create Display Object for Ball
new_inst = display.newCircle(default_xpos, default_ypos, params.radius )
new_inst.x = params.posx
new_inst.y = params.posy
setmetatable(new_inst, Ball_mt)
return (new_inst)

function Ball:move(dist)
print (“Move Ball”)
–self.x = self.x + dist – example of accessing a property

return Ball
[/code] [import]uid: 23649 topic_id: 20854 reply_id: 84534[/import]