How to calculate which marker of mapview is closest to me(current location) ?


I have developed a map with some markers on it… I wonder how could i find which one of them is more close to my current location ? Is there a documentation or a tutorial for this? Can you address me somewhere to read about that case??


This return the distance between two locations that are nearby, it works fine unless you have markers all over the world. I used this when I played around with proximity notifications (trigger alerts, timers, notifications based on if the user is within distance of a location).


local rad = math.rad

local cos = math.cos

local sqrt = math.sqrt

local earthRadiusInMeters = 6378137

– Equirectangular approximation, works for short distances

function distanceApproximation(lat1, long1, lat2, long2)

  if not lat1 or not long1 or not lat2 or not long2 then

    print(" ===> Missing latitudes and longitudes")



    local l1, lng1 = rad(lat1), rad(long1)

    local l2, lng2 = rad(lat2), rad(long2)

    local x = (lng2-lng1) * cos((l1+l2)/2)

    local y = (l2-l1)

    local d = sqrt(x * x + y * y) * earthRadiusInMeters

    print(" ===> distanceApproximation: “…d…” meters")

    return d



Gives you meters in return:

This return the distance between two locations that are nearby, it works fine unless you have markers all over the world. I used this when I played around with proximity notifications (trigger alerts, timers, notifications based on if the user is within distance of a location).


local rad = math.rad

local cos = math.cos

local sqrt = math.sqrt

local earthRadiusInMeters = 6378137

– Equirectangular approximation, works for short distances

function distanceApproximation(lat1, long1, lat2, long2)

  if not lat1 or not long1 or not lat2 or not long2 then

    print(" ===> Missing latitudes and longitudes")



    local l1, lng1 = rad(lat1), rad(long1)

    local l2, lng2 = rad(lat2), rad(long2)

    local x = (lng2-lng1) * cos((l1+l2)/2)

    local y = (l2-l1)

    local d = sqrt(x * x + y * y) * earthRadiusInMeters

    print(" ===> distanceApproximation: “…d…” meters")

    return d



Gives you meters in return: