How To Confirm 64bit APK


So, I’ve downloaded Corona 2019.3502, and installed to Corona Native since my app is built using Corona Native. I ran it on my Android devices to conform the Corona 2019.3502 and I was able to create an APK.

Am I done? Is the new APK a 64bit?

Is there a way to confirm it without using the Play Store Console?

Thank you,

Mor from Mars

You can unzip the .apk file and look to see if you have an arm64 architecture included.

I have. There isn’t, only the armeabi-v7a folder.

I didn’t find any instructions for Corona Native 64bit builds. I assumed it was simply installing the Corona 2019.3502 Corona Native, and build.

Have you updated your project to use the new App template project or are you still building your old project?


I am building with the old one, we’ve created quite a bit of plugins for our app, so moving the changes and additional files is difficult.

Is there a migration tutorial, or some kind of guid to which files or lines we need to change in our project to make it build to 64bit?

I’m asking engineering.

Hello! Latest testing build do contain Native template. Plugins don’t have anything different in them. You can copy over without any problems, add gradle projects, or include Jars/aars.

It would be interesting to know what changes exactly you’re struggling to migrate. We don’t have a migration guide yet, but your experience and problems could help write one. I spent too much time writing new build system to question how to move to it, so I have quite a blind spot in what isn’t clear in new build system. Please, feel free to join Slack and ask your migration questions there, or do it here. We’ll figure it out together and I’ll write a guide based on our experience.

But basics should be same: you copy over the template App, put your plugin code into plugin/src/main/java, manifest entries into plugin/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.

Project lives in Corona directory. New thing - there is a new gradle target: “setUpCoronaAppAndPlugins”. Run it, and it will download and set up all plugins you have in your project, generate AndroidManifest.xml for the plugins and basically do the same as building a biuld with Corona Simulator (note, re-running it will overwrite adnroidManifest.xml). Press then select “Run” target, press “Run” (play button), and start your app in Android Simulator or Real device.

Note, that “setUpCoronaAppAndPlugins” will basically set up project from your Corona project, including all plugins and build.settings. After that, modify it, do whatever you want.

EDIT: I thought about it, and instead of using Slack, post your questions here. It’s easier to answer them here and they’ll be searchable for everyone.


Just tried to run template project from 3504 daily build in android studio on windows and I get error like that:

Plugin [id: ''] was not found in any of the following sources: - Gradle Core Plugins (plugin is not in 'org.gradle' namespace) - Plugin Repositories (plugin dependency must include a version number for this source) Open File

Please let me know what should be configured to run template.

You’re opening App/Android directory, right?

I have completely removed corona and project. reinstalled corona and copied template project again and it started to work now… So my problem is resolved.

You can unzip the .apk file and look to see if you have an arm64 architecture included.

I have. There isn’t, only the armeabi-v7a folder.

I didn’t find any instructions for Corona Native 64bit builds. I assumed it was simply installing the Corona 2019.3502 Corona Native, and build.

Have you updated your project to use the new App template project or are you still building your old project?


I am building with the old one, we’ve created quite a bit of plugins for our app, so moving the changes and additional files is difficult.

Is there a migration tutorial, or some kind of guid to which files or lines we need to change in our project to make it build to 64bit?

I’m asking engineering.

Hello! Latest testing build do contain Native template. Plugins don’t have anything different in them. You can copy over without any problems, add gradle projects, or include Jars/aars.

It would be interesting to know what changes exactly you’re struggling to migrate. We don’t have a migration guide yet, but your experience and problems could help write one. I spent too much time writing new build system to question how to move to it, so I have quite a blind spot in what isn’t clear in new build system. Please, feel free to join Slack and ask your migration questions there, or do it here. We’ll figure it out together and I’ll write a guide based on our experience.

But basics should be same: you copy over the template App, put your plugin code into plugin/src/main/java, manifest entries into plugin/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.

Project lives in Corona directory. New thing - there is a new gradle target: “setUpCoronaAppAndPlugins”. Run it, and it will download and set up all plugins you have in your project, generate AndroidManifest.xml for the plugins and basically do the same as building a biuld with Corona Simulator (note, re-running it will overwrite adnroidManifest.xml). Press then select “Run” target, press “Run” (play button), and start your app in Android Simulator or Real device.

Note, that “setUpCoronaAppAndPlugins” will basically set up project from your Corona project, including all plugins and build.settings. After that, modify it, do whatever you want.

EDIT: I thought about it, and instead of using Slack, post your questions here. It’s easier to answer them here and they’ll be searchable for everyone.


Just tried to run template project from 3504 daily build in android studio on windows and I get error like that:

Plugin [id: ''] was not found in any of the following sources: - Gradle Core Plugins (plugin is not in 'org.gradle' namespace) - Plugin Repositories (plugin dependency must include a version number for this source) Open File

Please let me know what should be configured to run template.

You’re opening App/Android directory, right?

I have completely removed corona and project. reinstalled corona and copied template project again and it started to work now… So my problem is resolved.