How to create soft Icecream like particles with Liquidfun

I am currently using the “elastic” flags for particle behavior, which looks decent when it is flowing downwards but when the icecream collects in cup it is too liquidy. Also this gives it a springy bounce which I am not sure how to take out. I am wondering how I should make it thicker more solid along but to stay a bit elastic? Can I change behavior of particle after it is created?

I have tried with a “spring” flag and “viscous” flag but it looks sort of the same.

-- Create Particle System local particleSystem = physics.newParticleSystem{ filename = \_PRT, radius = 1, imageRadius = 2 } offset\_x = \_C.x + 70 offset\_y = \_UL.y + 100 local particleParams\_red = { flags = { "elastic"}, linearVelocityY = -10, color = { 1, 0, 0.1, 1 }, x = offset\_x, x = offset\_x + display.contentWidth \* 0.15, x = offset\_x + display.contentWidth \* -0.15, y = offset\_y, lifetime = 60.0, radius = 5, }

Add more stickiness?

I dunno, just play around with the values…

Hi @archie9,

As @horacebury suggests, you’ll probably need to experiment with the various properties. There are a considerable number of adjustments possible, and it will probably take some effort to get the exact simulation you desire.

By the way, have you tried adding the parameters to the actual particle system, instead of to the individual particle params? Here’s the (exhaustive) list of options…

Best regards,


Add more stickiness?

I dunno, just play around with the values…

Hi @archie9,

As @horacebury suggests, you’ll probably need to experiment with the various properties. There are a considerable number of adjustments possible, and it will probably take some effort to get the exact simulation you desire.

By the way, have you tried adding the parameters to the actual particle system, instead of to the individual particle params? Here’s the (exhaustive) list of options…

Best regards,
