How to Declare dependencies for Google Play services

I want to add a dependency to one of my apps, the next one:
Google Analytics Services SDK for Android

According to the documentation Set up Google Play services I need to open the build.gradle file of my app and add the above deoendency to the dependencies block.
How to do this without native code?

I am confused on why you want to include an android dependency without native but you can add a corona.gradle to your projects AndroidResources folder and add your dependencies in there

Ok, I had included Adjust SDK into my app, so according to their doc to allow the Adjust SDK to use the Google advertising ID, you must integrate Google Play Services.
Below I have added the section that mentions it:

Google Play Services

Since August 1, 2014, apps in the Google Play Store must use the Google advertising ID to uniquely identify each device. To allow the Adjust SDK to use the Google advertising ID, you must integrate Google Play Services.

Open the build.gradle file of your app and find the dependencies block. Add the following line:

compile ''

Could you guide about that, please.

Create a directory in your project folder called AndroidResources. In that directory, create a file called corona.gradle. Put this in that file:

dependencies {
    implementation ''

Thanks a lot @colinmorgan If I want to add more than one dependency, they will be separated by comma?

No you just use a a new line

dependencies {
    implementation ''
    implementation ‘’

Great … thanks