How to define an External data variable?

If I have a table defined in the main.lua file that isn’t local, how can I reference it in other lua files?

in C, assembler, etc, you have externals where you re-define the table / label / structure as an external object.

What is the correct way to do it in Corona?

Stu [import]uid: 99429 topic_id: 37177 reply_id: 67177[/import]

If I have a global table in my main file along the lines of

myTable = {"hello"}  

and want to reference it in another file I usually just write:


if myTable[1] == “hello” then

[/code] [import]uid: 23649 topic_id: 37177 reply_id: 145422[/import]

[import]uid: 6459 topic_id: 37177 reply_id: 145423[/import]

Thanks tetu!

It works now… Have you seen the docs for (globals) in Corona?

says NOTHING about using _G.tableName to reference external (global) tables.

This had me stumped all morning.

Stu [import]uid: 99429 topic_id: 37177 reply_id: 145425[/import]

_G is a standard feature of lua itself :slight_smile:

Here’s the doc page for it (Corona’s page)

Keep in mind that you only have to declare _G; once it’s set you don’t have to refer to it with the _G in place (it’s somewhat interchangeable with the non-_G form.) [import]uid: 41884 topic_id: 37177 reply_id: 145437[/import]

If I have a global table in my main file along the lines of

myTable = {"hello"}  

and want to reference it in another file I usually just write:


if myTable[1] == “hello” then

[/code] [import]uid: 23649 topic_id: 37177 reply_id: 145422[/import]

[import]uid: 6459 topic_id: 37177 reply_id: 145423[/import]

Thanks tetu!

It works now… Have you seen the docs for (globals) in Corona?

says NOTHING about using _G.tableName to reference external (global) tables.

This had me stumped all morning.

Stu [import]uid: 99429 topic_id: 37177 reply_id: 145425[/import]

_G is a standard feature of lua itself :slight_smile:

Here’s the doc page for it (Corona’s page)

Keep in mind that you only have to declare _G; once it’s set you don’t have to refer to it with the _G in place (it’s somewhat interchangeable with the non-_G form.) [import]uid: 41884 topic_id: 37177 reply_id: 145437[/import]