How to embed a browser and access to http traffic monitor

How to embed a browser and access to http traffic monitor

I need to get to the cookie, but I do not know how to operate


local function requestListener( event )
local shouldLoad = true
local url = event.url
system.openURL( url )
return shouldLoad
local options = { hasBackground=false, baseUrl=system.ResourceDirectory, urlRequest=requestListener }
native.showWebPopup( “http://myurl/index.php”, options ) [import]uid: 8012 topic_id: 14149 reply_id: 314149[/import]

I’m *pretty* sure this isn’t related to the Corona Project Manager software, is it?

If not, you’ll probably have a better chance at getting a reply by posting in the Developer Support thread, or something similar.

The people who hang out in this sub-forum tend to be focused on CPM-related issues.

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 14149 reply_id: 52052[/import]