How can I get a list of friends using the same app?
Any ideas?
Thank you!
How can I get a list of friends using the same app?
Any ideas?
Thank you!
local function listener(event) local type = event.type if type == "session" then facebook.request("me/friends", "GET", {fields = "name,installed"}) elseif type == "request" then local friendList = event.friendList end end facebook.login( FACEBOOK\_APP\_ID , listener, FACEBOOK\_PERMISSIONS )
I think that should do.
I haven’t checked for errors in the listener function, you have to do that yourself
Thank you very much, Im going to try it and if it works I’ll let you Know… Thanks for your time!
local function listener(event) local type = event.type if type == "session" then facebook.request("me/friends", "GET", {fields = "name,installed"}) elseif type == "request" then local friendList = event.friendList end end facebook.login( FACEBOOK\_APP\_ID , listener, FACEBOOK\_PERMISSIONS )
I think that should do.
I haven’t checked for errors in the listener function, you have to do that yourself
Thank you very much, Im going to try it and if it works I’ll let you Know… Thanks for your time!