Hey Everyone,
I was wondering how to include a widget button on my app? For example, the widget in this picture http://bit.ly/NdT5yQ
[import]uid: 175550 topic_id: 30646 reply_id: 330646[/import]
Hey Everyone,
I was wondering how to include a widget button on my app? For example, the widget in this picture http://bit.ly/NdT5yQ
[import]uid: 175550 topic_id: 30646 reply_id: 330646[/import]
Your link went to some place strange. You might want to repost it, not using bit.ly so we can see where it’s going before we decide to click on it. Short URL’s are a necessity in Twitter where you have limited space, but in the forums here, you should use the longer link.
Corona offers many ways to create buttons for your app. To get ones that look and behave like most standard iOS buttons you would want to use the widget.newButton api.
[import]uid: 19626 topic_id: 30646 reply_id: 122849[/import]
Hey im sorry for the wrong link. Here is the full link: http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1024&bih=523&tbm=isch&tbnid=-czj5cVfp-d5kM:&imgrefurl=http://decoding.wordpress.com/2011/10/25/save-iphone-battery-5-tips-for-ios-5/&docid=7m7lZwgW6wDpHM&imgurl=http://decoding.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/save-iphone-battery-3.png%3Fw%3D500&w=320&h=480&ei=ai9JULajBISWiALTnYGgDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=96&vpy=110&dur=364&hovh=276&hovw=184&tx=127&ty=119&sig=116797763465221749375&page=1&tbnh=137&tbnw=92&start=0&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:76 [import]uid: 175550 topic_id: 30646 reply_id: 122925[/import]
^ That one in specific. Thanks for your help! [import]uid: 175550 topic_id: 30646 reply_id: 122926[/import]
Your link went to some place strange. You might want to repost it, not using bit.ly so we can see where it’s going before we decide to click on it. Short URL’s are a necessity in Twitter where you have limited space, but in the forums here, you should use the longer link.
Corona offers many ways to create buttons for your app. To get ones that look and behave like most standard iOS buttons you would want to use the widget.newButton api.
[import]uid: 19626 topic_id: 30646 reply_id: 122849[/import]
Hey im sorry for the wrong link. Here is the full link: http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1024&bih=523&tbm=isch&tbnid=-czj5cVfp-d5kM:&imgrefurl=http://decoding.wordpress.com/2011/10/25/save-iphone-battery-5-tips-for-ios-5/&docid=7m7lZwgW6wDpHM&imgurl=http://decoding.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/save-iphone-battery-3.png%3Fw%3D500&w=320&h=480&ei=ai9JULajBISWiALTnYGgDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=96&vpy=110&dur=364&hovh=276&hovw=184&tx=127&ty=119&sig=116797763465221749375&page=1&tbnh=137&tbnw=92&start=0&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:76 [import]uid: 175550 topic_id: 30646 reply_id: 122925[/import]
^ That one in specific. Thanks for your help! [import]uid: 175550 topic_id: 30646 reply_id: 122926[/import]