Hi, I’m trying to implement a game that involves a spinner (such as one you’d find in Twister) that has an arrow that spins around and around and then slows down eventually to a stop.
Currently for the spinner I only use the rotate() function with a constant angle, and it gets repeated several times with timer.performWithDelay(). This is a very basic spinner but obviously not what I want, since it does not slow down. Perhaps I can do the slowing down without physics but I’m not sure what would be the best approach.
I’ve been reading up the tutorial on the various physics joint types, but I’m not sure how to start. Pivot joint? Wheel joint? Or weld joint? Do I use angular damping?
Also, does the “rotation” value of the object get populated if you use a physics movement, just like when I used the rotate() function on the object without physics?
The two bodies involved:
the spinner background which is split up into 6 sections (like a pie), with each section showing a value.
the spinner arrow itself, which is centered on top of the spinner background
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!