How to include SAFE areas in making a New Device for Simulator?

I need Samsung Galaxy 10, 10+, 20, 20+ devices in the simulator, as my LIVE apps are placing navigation buttons on top of the button of my apps, making them unusable.

I’m trying to use Samsung’s Remote Test Lab:

But I’m unable reserve an US-based device and uploads of my APK end up taking 20 minutes just to test something. So, for this reason, I really need to be able to select these devices from within the Simulator and this is an ongoing issue. To solve it, can you expand the Custom feature in making a new device in the Simulator to include the test area? And then, we need a way to know what the safe zones are when creating a custom device.

Until Vlad figures out how to resolve this issue, the best solution I’ve found thus far is to HIDE the navigation buttons on Android while playing my game.

I found this on another thread in the forum:
– Removes bottom bar on Android
if system.getInfo( “androidApiLevel” ) and system.getInfo( “androidApiLevel” ) < 19 then
native.setProperty( “androidSystemUiVisibility”, “lowProfile” )
native.setProperty( “androidSystemUiVisibility”, “immersiveSticky” )