How to make a rounded scrollview

I’m making a app that main purpose is the desing and that uses scrollview inside a page. How to make a rounded scrollview?

local widget = require("widget") local function scrollListener( event ) local phase = event.phase if ( phase == "began" ) then print( "Scroll view was touched" ) elseif ( phase == "moved" ) then print( "Scroll view was moved" ) elseif ( phase == "ended" ) then print( "Scroll view was released" ) end -- In the event a scroll limit is reached... if ( event.limitReached ) then if ( event.direction == "up" ) then print( "Reached bottom limit" ) elseif ( event.direction == "down" ) then print( "Reached top limit" ) end end return true end local scrollView = widget.newScrollView( { top = 600, left = 140, width = 800, height = 900, scrollWidth = 800, scrollHeight = 1000, listener = scrollListener } ) image = display.newImageRect( "Untitled.png", 800, 1000 ) image.anchorX = 0 image.anchorY = 0 image.x = 0 image.y = 0 scrollView:insert( image )

I would place the scrollview in a masked group.

Keep in mind, scrollViews are already masked and if you are masking things in the scrollView you could run into a mask depth limit.


I would place the scrollview in a masked group.

Keep in mind, scrollViews are already masked and if you are masking things in the scrollView you could run into a mask depth limit.
