I am building a game for both IOS and Android. I understand that the images to be displayed correctly on every device with different height and width, we need different size of images for example with @2x, @4x.
I am building the game with the following config.lua:
application =
content =
width = 320,
height = 480,
scale = “letterbox”,
xAlign = “center”,
yAlign = “center”,
imageSuffix =
["@2x"] = 1.5,
["@4x"] = 3.0
So I build the game based on the 320x480 ( I mean placing the images for example at y = display.contentWidth - 100.
I wanted an infinite background so to do that I created 3 images as follow:
y = display.contentHeight/2
snowBackground = display.newImageRect(“level1/FONDO1.png”,480,320)
snowBackground.x = display.contentCenterX
snowBackground.y = y
snowBackground2 = display.newImageRect(“level1/FONDO2.png”,480,320)
snowBackground2.x = display.contentCenterX+480
snowBackground2.y = display.contentCenterY
snowBackground3 = display.newImageRect(“level1/FONDO3.png”,480,320)
snowBackground3.x = display.contentCenterX+2*480
snowBackground3.y = display.contentCenterY
And to make it move I created the following function:
local function moveBackground(self,event)
if self.x < -480 then
self.x = 952
self.x = self.x - i
And then I assign the function accordingly:
snowBackground.enterFrame = moveBackground
snowBackground2.enterFrame = moveBackground
snowBackground3.enterFrame = moveBackground
Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, snowBackground)
Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, snowBackground2)
Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, snowBackground3)
If I test it on a 320x480 device the backgrounds fit perfectly, but then when testing it on an Iphone 7, it takes the @2x images so the size of the images are 640x960 and then they do not fit since it was designed for the 320x480.
How could I approach it?