I’m trying to post a printScreen of my app to my own facebook’s wall… I tried this but the app crash
native.setActivityIndicator(true); local listener; listener = function(event) if ( "session" == event.type ) then if ( "login" == event.phase ) then local postMsg = { message = "I just made" ..currentScore.. " pts in the Bee Flappy", image = { {foto} }, --description = "descricao", --link = "", --name = "Bee Flappy", --caption = "Bee Flappy" }; facebook.request( "me/feed", "POST", postMsg ) native.setActivityIndicator(true); end elseif ("request" == event.type) then local respTab = json.decode(event.response); native.setActivityIndicator(false); if respTab then native.showAlert("Success", "Message successfuly posted!", {"OK"}); end end native.setActivityIndicator(nil); end facebook.login(appID, listener, {"publish\_actions"});
where foto = display.captureScreen()
someone can help me?