How to prevent double click to jump?

I’m creating a platform game and I came across with a character whose is jumping too high because the “double tap” is on.

How can I put a delay on a button to jump???

Full Code

-- Bibliotecas local composer = require( "composer" ) local scene = composer.newScene() local physics = require "physics" local widget = require "widget" -- Algumas Configurações local w = display.contentWidth local h = display.contentHeight local sheetData = { width=83, height=121, numFrames=24} local sheet = graphics.newImageSheet("img/percy.png", sheetData) local screenW, screenH, halfW = display.actualContentWidth, display.actualContentHeight, display.contentCenterX function goToNextLevel() composer.gotoScene("lastLevel", "fade", 700) composer.removeScene("level1") end -- Inicio do jogo function scene:create( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view physics.start() physics.setGravity(0, 14) local background = display.newImageRect( "img/game\_background.jpg", screenW, screenH ) background.anchorX = 0 background.anchorY = 0 background.x = 0 + display.screenOriginX background.y = 0 + display.screenOriginY borda1 = display.newRect(-700, 0, 20, 5000) borda1.alpha = 0 physics.addBody( borda1, "static" ) borda1 = display.newRect(1450, 0, 20, 5000) borda1.alpha = 0 physics.addBody( borda1, "static" ) local parede1 = display.newImageRect("grass.png", 5000, 100) parede1.x = 60 parede1.y = 1024 physics.addBody( parede1, "static" ) local parede2 = display.newImageRect("grass.png", 100, 60) parede2.x = 70 parede2.y = 760 physics.addBody( parede2, "static" ) local parede6 = display.newImageRect("grass.png", 100, 80) parede6.x = 870 parede6.y = 540 physics.addBody( parede6, "static" ) local porta = display.newImageRect("img/porta.png", 120, 150) porta.x = 450 porta.y = 900 porta.myName = "porta" physics.addBody( porta, "static", {radius = 10, isSensor = true}) local parede7 = display.newImageRect("grass.png", 100, 60) parede7.x = 450 parede7.y = 540 physics.addBody( parede7, "static" ) local sequenceDataPlayer = { { name = "idle", frames = {2} }, { name = "walkToRight", frames = {7, 8, 9, 7}, time = 333, loopCount = 0}, { name = "walkToLeft", frames = {13, 15, 14, 13}, time = 333, loopCount = 0}, { name = "jump", frames = {1} }, } local sequenceDataZombie = { {name = "idle", frames = {6}}, {name = "walkToRight", frames = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, time = 333, loopCount = 0}, {name = "walkToLeft", frames = {8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}, time = 333, loopCount = 0}, } local player = display.newSprite(sheet, sequenceDataPlayer) player.x = -300 player.y = 950 player:setSequence("idle") player:play() physics.addBody( player, "dynamic", {radius = 45, bounce = 0, friction = 3}) player.isFixedRotation = true player.myName = "player" local buttons = {} buttons[1] = display.newImage("seta.png") --direita buttons[1].x = 1000 buttons[1].y = 950 buttons[1].rotation = 90 buttons[1].myName = "right" buttons[1].alpha=0.5 buttons[2] = display.newImage("seta.png") --esquerda buttons[2].x = 800 buttons[2].y = 950 buttons[2].rotation = -90 buttons[2].myName = "left" buttons[2].alpha=0.5 buttons[3] = display.newImage("seta.png") --cima buttons[3].x = -300 buttons[3].y = 950 buttons[3].rotation= 0 buttons[3].myName = "up" buttons[3].alpha=0.5 local walkX = 0 local walkY = 0 local function touchFunction(e) local phase = event.phase local name = event.keyName if e.phase == "began" or e.phase == "moved" then if == "up" then player:setSequence("jump") player:applyLinearImpulse( 0, -1) elseif == "left" then player:setSequence("walkToLeft") player:play() walkX = -4 player.xScale = -1 elseif == "right" then player:setSequence("walkToRight") player:play() walkX = 4 player.xScale = -1 end else if == "right" then player:setSequence("idle") elseif == "left" then player:setSequence("idle") end walkY=0 walkX=0 end end local j=1 for j=1, #buttons do buttons[j]:addEventListener("touch", touchFunction) if j == 3 then buttons[j]:addEventListener("tap", touchFunction) end end local update = function(e) player.x = player.x + walkX player.y = player.y + walkY end porta.collision = goToNextLevel porta:addEventListener( "collision" ) Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", update) sceneGroup:insert(background) sceneGroup:insert(parede2) sceneGroup:insert(parede6) sceneGroup:insert(parede7) sceneGroup:insert(porta) end function scene:show( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if phase == "will" then elseif phase == "did" then physics.start() end end function scene:hide( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if event.phase == "will" then physics.stop() sceneGroup:remove(background) display.remove(parede1) sceneGroup:remove(parede2) sceneGroup:remove(parede6) sceneGroup:remove(parede7) sceneGroup:remove(porta) elseif phase == "did" then -- Called when the scene is now off screen end end function scene:destroy( event ) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Listener setup scene:addEventListener( "create", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "show", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "hide", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "destroy", scene ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return scene

limit the applyLinearImpulse( ) to just the “began” phase.  Right now it is also set to fire during the “move” phase so it will trigger every time your finger moves even slightly.

I don’t understand the tip… Sorry KKKK

I think that would work:

local jumpDelay = 0

function jumpDelay()

   jumpDelay = 0


if jumpDelay == 0 then


   jumpDelay = 1

   timer.performWithDelay( 1000, jumpDelay ) 


If that doesn’t work try that:

local jumpDelay = 0

function jumpDelay()

   jumpDelay = 0


if jumpDelay == 0 then


   jumpDelay = 1


if jumpDelay == 1 then

   timer.performWithDelay( 1000, jumpDelay )


@Conveye - That would work except the jump is triggered by the ‘moved’ phase as well as the ‘began’ phase so if the user keeps their finger on the button longer than the delay and then moves it - triggering the ‘move’ phase, the character will jump again.

@Bogo - do yourself a favor and spend some time learning about event phases