How to reserve my app name on the Apple store?

Hi guys,

I am curious how people are reserving their app name when they are not yet ready to release? Can you simply add your app description and images on Itunes and reserve your app name that way? I also heard you can upload code and then decline it? Would that work? How long can you reserve your app name before you need to make your app review-able?

Sorry for all these questions. I am not completely ready to release but I want to make sure I can reserve the app name on ios.

Thanks guys.

Mo [import]uid: 49236 topic_id: 24918 reply_id: 324918[/import]

I think you can hold it for something like 30 days and then it expires … to stop people bookmarking app names they will never use. [import]uid: 10389 topic_id: 24918 reply_id: 101144[/import]

Hi Mo,

I think it is actually 90 days you can hold it for.

In any case it is done as you said, just creating the page for it in iTunes Connect so it is ready to upload.

Peach :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 24918 reply_id: 101193[/import]

Thank you guys. I appreciated. So you are saying I do not have to upload the bytes to reserve the app name for 3 months? That will be cool since I am hoping that I can release before that time expire. My understanding is you can still upload bytes but rejected right away. That would work too.

Thanks again. I feel better.

Mo [import]uid: 49236 topic_id: 24918 reply_id: 101218[/import]

You will not have to upload the binary (the app itself) to hold the name - you will have to add description, screenshots, etc. though these can be edited later. (You just need the page in iTunes Connect, basically.)

You could also upload your app and reject it right away, it wouldn’t cause problems, but it’s totally unnecessary. (I only mention it in case anyone has done that and is concerned.)

Peach :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 24918 reply_id: 101236[/import]