How to resize widget such as segmentedControl?

When I try to resize a segmented control, with .xScale or .height for example, the display changes, but the underlying ‘hit box’ that reacts to the touches does not change size. 

What is the work around? What am I doing wrong? I’m sure there is a solution, as widgets are tiny tiny in 640 x 1136…

Hi @sean84,

As a general rule of thumb, widgets don’t play nice with “.xScale/.yScale” or “.height/.width” direct property sets. What you should look for is how to resize the widgets in the setup/declaration… most (or all of them) should be configurable to set up a custom size.

Best regards,


Hi @sean84,

As a general rule of thumb, widgets don’t play nice with “.xScale/.yScale” or “.height/.width” direct property sets. What you should look for is how to resize the widgets in the setup/declaration… most (or all of them) should be configurable to set up a custom size.

Best regards,
