Thanks again!
I would love to solve this by myself, but there is no way I manage to make it work. I will paste the code here and hope someone can spot what I’m doing wrong.
This is how I create the room:
local Array = require("photon.common.type.Array"); local exposedProps ="C0"); self:createRoom(nil, {maxPlayers = 2, lobbyName = "TOWERCRUSH\_LOBBY\_234k1", lobbyType = loadBalancingConstants.LobbyType.SqlLobby, propsListedInLobby = exposedProps, customRoomProperties = {["C0"] = 50}});
And later, how I try to join it:
local sqlFilterString = "C0 \> 25 AND C0 \< 75"; self:joinRandomRoom({lobbyType = loadBalancingConstants.LobbyType.SqlLobby, lobbyName = "TOWERCRUSH\_LOBBY\_234k1", sqlLobbyFilter = sqlFilterString});
It was not supposed to be that hard, but I’m doing something wrong and I can’t find the problem. I tried many variations from the code above, but it never worked.
Also, I’m hardcoding the region just to make sure both players can see each other.