I’m trying to implement skill based match making using Photon. For this, when creating a room:
client:createRoom(nil, {maxPlayers = 2, lobbyType = loadBalancingConstants.LobbyType.SqlLobby, propsListedInLobby = {1}, customGameProperties = {["C0"] = 100}});
The lobby type is SqlLobby and I want to use one of the predefined SQL filter parameters (C0 in this case). This parameter holds the player skill level. The problem is that I can’t find a way to set the propsListedInLobby variable to a valid type. According to the docs, this is a int array. I’ve also tried to supply a string array, but the problem is always the same and I got the following error message in the logs:
ERROR LoadBalancingClient: 65534 Invalid type for property LobbyProperties. Expected type System.Object[] but is System.Collections.Hashtable
It seems the SDK always converts Lua tables into Java Hashtables (I’m on Android) and this is not the expected type.
Has anyone experienced this problem?