How to set tile/object X, Y coordination?

hi all,

I am thinking to use Tiled Map Editor to create level (like candy crush level)

and load into corona via Lime.

So, i dont really use the tile as a platform game.

I manage to loop the object layer but i wonder how to

  • set the X, Y coordination
  • scale some blocks Width & Height?

Here my looping code

local layer = map:getObjectLayer("Object Layer 1") local objects = layer.objects -- Loop through our tiles for i=1, #objects, 1 do     print('loop object') end  

Here the output (where i have 5 objects on object layer)

loop object    

loop object    

loop object    

loop object    

loop object    

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Also the proper way to add ‘touch’ listener in lime+tiled way :slight_smile:

Also the proper way to add ‘touch’ listener in lime+tiled way :slight_smile: