how to setfocus with widget.newButton ?

Hi I have a widget.newButton that works, only thing is after pressing, the ‘press’ follows onto a displayObject… often resulting in a selection that isn’t required after the button has been pressed.

Reading the touch documentation it seems I need to use setFocus, but I can’t see how I can do this with widget.newButton as I can’t pass ‘self’ with the listener. I’m using

againButton = widget.newButton{
label = “Repeat”,
onEvent = listenerAgain,

Or is there a way to ‘reset’ touch events…
Help appreciated Thanks…
[import]uid: 137150 topic_id: 35612 reply_id: 335612[/import]

try ‘return true’ in your onevent listener and make sure you’re checking event.phase == "release [import]uid: 32462 topic_id: 35612 reply_id: 141563[/import]

try ‘return true’ in your onevent listener and make sure you’re checking event.phase == "release [import]uid: 32462 topic_id: 35612 reply_id: 141563[/import]