A few months ago I succeeded achieving the task mentioned in the Title of this post. (on Android & in emulator on Windows which uses desktop versions of WA.V&T-messengers).
To achieve this I used the url-apis, specific for each messenger:
if messenger_str == "telegram" then
text_to_share_str = string.urlEncode(text_to_share_str)
url_str = "tg://msg?text=" .. text_to_share_str
elseif messenger_str == "whatsapp" then
-- NB no need to urlEncode!
url_str = "whatsapp://send?text=" .. text_to_share_str
elseif messenger_str == "viber" then
-- NB no need to urlEncode!
url_str = "viber://forward?text=" .. text_to_share_str
elseif messenger_str == "skype" then
-- NO url API yet
elseif messenger_str == "fb_messenger" then
-- NO url API :
> system.openURL(url_str)
Same code unfortunately does not work on iOS which I have started to explore recently. Viber & WhatsApp just do not show up, and as for Telegram it shares the text such a way, that all the+spaces+become+pluses+which+is+just+annoying. Telegram is the only messenger that requires string.urlEncode function mentioned here:
function string.urlEncode( str )
if ( str ) then
str = string.gsub( str, "\n", "\r\n" )
str = string.gsub( str, "([^%w ])",
function( c )
return string.format( "%%%02X", string.byte(c) )
str = string.gsub( str, " ", "+" )
return str
As you can see spaces are changed to pluses on purpose here. OK, let’s fix this like this:
if (system.getInfo("platform") ~= "ios") then
a_str = string.gsub(a_str, " ", "+")
The result - Telegram does not open, too…
One may think that something is not set specifically for iOS, but here is what I use as per manual in Info.plist:
If these lines are removed, Telegram still starts and+share+everything+with+plusses, Viber & WhatsApp still do not show up.
I know that there is a special iOS plugin to share staff, but is there a way to fix sharing on iOS?